Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Be the change you wish to see in the world?

Ghandi said that. What do you think it means?

I think it means that if you change yourself and lead the life you wish the world to lead, then you will actually change it. You will influence people around you. You will become the role model. The older souls will come to you and ask you what oyur secret it. You would tell them what you did that made you so successful. Role model to the world.

You can also write books on your success. On your biography, your lifestyle, and what you did.

You can also be smart and share your beliefs with others. Not keep it to yourself to be selfish, or impose that that's how they should live. Just share your believes. I think this way people can peacefully change the world.

What is your opinion?Be the change you wish to see in the world?
I agree. We also have to understand the thoughts we entertain do manifest into our reality. So we can exercise change in others by how we think and conduct ourselves.Be the change you wish to see in the world?
-Don't help anyone unless asked.

-Each person's personal karma will teach them

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He means instead of whining and complaining, go out there and fix it yourself. Initiative. Take it.
I think it means 2 things:

1) Lead by example.

2) if enough people do it then the change will be a reality. If you just sit around wishing then you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I have gone through a process of forgiveness and seen great changes in those who I no longer was judging. When we see all as perfect and put the past behind us, love reigns in all relationships.
Well it means to change yourself before you try to change others like if you want people to show respect to each other you need to show respect to people so they can follow in your example etc. Basically saying dont be a hypocrite and say things are supposed to be this way and you are doing it some other way then what you are preaching!
I totally agree.

When you want change, you have to start with yourself.
I have made the change by quitting some habits that were very self destructive over the last 4 years and notice a change in people and the world around me. Not only am I healthier and happier, but my whole circle of family and friends are different in their attitudes and life. Change comes from within and the actions we take affect the world either negatively or positively whether we realize it or not. I believe I've been a big change in the world.
asshole! you're that smart. why do you post this kind of **** **** you!.

this is your type of answers:

As much as this: http://www.meatspin.com

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