Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Be the change you wish to see in the world?

Ghandi said that. What do you think it means?

I think it means that if you change yourself and lead the life you wish the world to lead, then you will actually change it. You will influence people around you. You will become the role model. The older souls will come to you and ask you what oyur secret it. You would tell them what you did that made you so successful. Role model to the world.

You can also write books on your success. On your biography, your lifestyle, and what you did.

You can also be smart and share your beliefs with others. Not keep it to yourself to be selfish, or impose that that's how they should live. Just share your believes. I think this way people can peacefully change the world.

What is your opinion?Be the change you wish to see in the world?
So many people are doing that right now, only just that you would not know it, because they are moving around us silently, not blowing their trumpets, just modestly doing it, making those changes. I am sure you know a few right now...Be the change you wish to see in the world?
you are correct sir.
'You cant change the world, but you can change yourself.'
That quote has probably inspired more serial killers than anyone trying to make life better.

Its absolute bullshit, and anyone with half a brain knows it.
i think that in order to change the world, you have to change yourself first. You have to show people the way to live. If you don't change yourself and try to change the world, then you would not be successful.
i think its a bit more simpler than that. If you want there to be no violence in the world than don't be violent. If you want people to be care about poverty and hunger than you care about poverty and hunger. If you want your neighborhood to be more clean then clean your neighborhood.

It's about you taking the steps toward change first that you want other to take
I agree with you and I think the poster Anita said it best. Be a doer and not a follower or lead by example. A teacher some 2000 years ago told his followers that he was their servant. And if they were truly his followers they would be servants as well. Later.

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