I'm asking this question because, I've noticed that many women a very self concious about how they look. Some might wish to to have a different appearance, maybe a nicer shape and so forth. When I see the differnt style of dressing from women it seems to me that they are trying to ';discover themselves';. Wearing stylish cloths that really does'nt fit them. They might even be too big(maybe natrually thick) for certain attire
To fix this problem, if you could recreate yourself, what would YOU like changed about you?Ladies, if there's anything you could change about yourself, what would it be?
Looks are fleeting and while they are so important to how you get treated in life, compliments on looks mean so much less to me than any other.
That said, in the words of Keira Knightly ';Jesus, I'd change it all!'; haha.
And I'd pick Adriana Lima or Bar Rafaeli!
But you just have to do your best with the deck of cards you are dealt...
:-)Ladies, if there's anything you could change about yourself, what would it be?
Oh wow i've thought about this so much. Yay now I get to explain it woohoo!! Haha.
I would be a shade tanner
maybe 2'; taller
i would have a nice flat stomach
i would have a cup size bigger boobs
my nose would be cuter and straighter
i would have clear vision so i wouldnt have to wear contacts
i wouldn't have any freckless
and i would have perfectly flawless skin
i bet i could achieve something close to that as i get older but right now im not very happy about how i look
I would have more weight and no bump on my nose and not such a pointy chin and long hair and no freckles and yeah....but I don't think this will ever happen so I'm happy with the way I am! But If I really had the toption, this what I would do! Lol.
im pretty satisfied with my body. im 14, and the girls around me seem to always be ragging on themselves about their body. how their ';fat'; when their not. i always want to find a way to tell them that if they think that do something about it. but its hard to say that with out sounding mean right? i usually just stay quiet when some of them talk about that kinda stuff.
well anyway, if i could make myself over, i would want fair skin. im filipino/korean, and my filipino side shows more. i just love fair skin. my sister has it and it just looks so nice.
i also would want more confidence. more confidence to speak what i want when i present stuff and speak my mind from person to person.
the rest, if i want to change something i would take action myself. because complaining about it wont change anything :D
nothing im totally satisfied with how i look lolz
1) NO FRECKLES!! 2) a thinner shape (i'm somwhat thin, i wear mediums, i'd love to be a small or xsmall) 3) maybe 2 inches shorter 4) flawless skin
well, i could go on forever, but i am happy being the way i am becuase it's what makes me me really. if i could change that, well i might, but i don't think i would (except i'd get rid of my freckles!) because if i changed i'd be losing a big part of me.
- be at least 5';4
- get rid of dry skin
- get rid of acne
- have a better facial complexion
- have curly hair
..and uh the list goes on..
1. i wish my boobs were a little smaller
2. i wish i was taller since my bf is 6'4'; and i'm 5'4';
3. i wish my hair wasn't a natural color of black
4. i wish my *** was bigger
5. i wish i was a little fatter....maybe 10 pounds more
6. i wish my hair wasn't so silky...cuz its hard to leave it in a hair style for long...
really the only thing i would changed about my self iz my nose becuase it's look's like ashley simpson nose before she got plastic surgrey,but other then that i'm fine with me
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