May it be your siblings,your husband,wife,friends anyone.,with you?
How much should you change yourself for them and how much dreams of yours shall you ignore?
What does Islam say in this regard?Is it wise to ignore the incompatibility of your fellow beings?
It is the matter of the life time and you cannot ignore such matters. Dreaming is good but in limits. You dream and try to make your dream come true by praying to Allah. dreams gives u way to live,they make you strive more,work harder, and achieve your goals. Dreams are important to have yet you can only be successful by praying to Allah to help you make them come true.
you have to compromise and sacrifice in every relation but it doesn't mean you kill your own identification, your dreams and life.
Sister, I have almost repeated your words only which u told me once, and that has changed my life.
God bless you sista.:DIs it wise to ignore the incompatibility of your fellow beings?
You should ignore all your dreams.Its in a hadith qudsi that if you let go of the things you desired and indulged yourself in what Allah wants then Allah will fulfill all your dreams.
You can't change anyone so why try.Just pray to Allah since he's capable of changing peoples' hearts.
I don't see how you can ignore such things
Probably better to make allowances and compromises.
Depends on what is incompatible.
In all seriousness, respect is the key. My Grandma is a devout Muslimah whom you'd probably love. A lovely old lady. I'm an atheist. We get along just fine. I respect her, she respects me. From an Islamic point of view, Qur'an pretty much teaches ''to each his own.'' Gotta love that rule. I honestly believe that by ignoring the differences we just create a deeper gap between us. And that never brought us any good.
How about working on those differences and simply taking them for what they are - differences? :)
Yes, that would be wise.;-)
You should try it sometime ;-)
It would be wise of you to stop questioning if i'm a real Muslim just because i ask a question about Buddha on Ramadan . For the sake of peace and love of mankind i do think that you better stop running around using takfir, calling others as lesser muslims or worse , non-muslims simply because we choose to love and not hate Buddha . ;-)
It would also be wise of to to refrain for making statements such as pitying me for my acceptance of the Other, when i don't hate other people such as Buddhists et al .
It would also be wise if you stop picking on Shia's and considering them as not Muslims , constantly making fun of them by raising non-issues , you Sunni fundies are really such bigots and so intolerant of people different from yourself.You said it yourself , you wish to make Hijab a compulsion in your country , how wise is that ?;-)
Finally my dear sister in Islam , it is wise if you would reconsider your misguided stance of wanting to kill and physically hurt people who thinks differently from you . ;-)
Monday, June 6, 2011
How do you make yourself to change into a better person?
Hi,i've tried changing myself into a better person but seem to fail everytime.I'm really sick and tired of how immature and ignorant i act.I trully want to change myself into a better person but am afraid of losing my true identity.What should i do? and what can i do to change myself?How do you make yourself to change into a better person?
There is actually no need to feel and think yourself in such a negative manner. Be yourself and you'll be fine. The people whom truly loves you will accept you for who you are. That put aside, although being yourselves, you must be careful not to do things that will hurt others. Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you.
There is actually a key to becoming a better person. Kindness, generosity, love and forgiveness must alway be kept inside your mind. They must constantly be the basis of all your actions and words. You should just follow that and you will be indeed a better person. But do not stop at that. Continue and advocate your community, people around you to spread love, kindness, generosity and forgiveness. Do and handle it yourself if you have to. That way, we all can contribute to the eliminating of hatred in our world today and work towards a better world.
If you are serious about changing the lives of people around you, will you help us start a ';Pay It Forward'; movement in your community? Help three people in any way and get them to repay the favour by helping another three people. Think about it. Imagine the power of this movement. It could change the world. Your actions could change this world we are living in.
God bless you and God bless mankind.How do you make yourself to change into a better person?
By making this conscious decision to be a better person, you are already half way there! You should be proud of yourself for making that first step.
Try volunteering (serving the homeless food, coach a team, working at a retreat center, donate your old clothes, join the big brother/big sister organization, there are a million organizations you can support and become involved with).
Read books about admirable people and learn from their lives.
Do random acts of kindness: cook for those you love, drop of a present or flowers or do something good for someone- but do it anonymously...
Learn about different cultures in the world and appreciate how lucky you really are.
Journal.- just write, even if you feel like you have nothiing to write- it will come to you. Write about your past experiences and try to come up with ways that you think may have been a better way to handle things. Write down the specific qualities that you want to have in the future.
Good Luck- I really love your question.
There are many things that you can do to become a better person. ... first hand what it feels like to transform into a genuinely great person.
Here are 3 keys to help you see yourself as a better person. ... be focusing on all the things that you think you do badly but you need to change the way you think
woah its quite a big task to do. but you can do it if you set your mind to it! so good on you for trying to be a better person. first of all i suggest discovering what is it about you that is rude, what causes you to be rude and ignorant? try to be more caring towards others use manner and be sympathetic. Perhaps if your having a conversation with someone and before you say something put yourself in there shoes, speak to people as you would want to be spoken to. Write down a list of things to improve at? a diary/notebook whatever really. You mentioned your immature, well to be honest everyone has a bit of immaturity in them it doesn't make them a bad person, if you have a serious side and a immature side then your doing just fine. You'll never lose your true identity because you are who you are, but you can improve and make yourself someone who you want to be and that is your identity, hope this helps %26amp; good luck! :)
If changing would make you a person, believe me, you would not loose yourself. Try having a recollection/retreat or therapy. it's also good if you focus your wanting for a special someone. let him/her help you. find someone you really trust and tell him/her everything you have in mind and ask for help.get liquid foundation black hair styles
There is actually no need to feel and think yourself in such a negative manner. Be yourself and you'll be fine. The people whom truly loves you will accept you for who you are. That put aside, although being yourselves, you must be careful not to do things that will hurt others. Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you.
There is actually a key to becoming a better person. Kindness, generosity, love and forgiveness must alway be kept inside your mind. They must constantly be the basis of all your actions and words. You should just follow that and you will be indeed a better person. But do not stop at that. Continue and advocate your community, people around you to spread love, kindness, generosity and forgiveness. Do and handle it yourself if you have to. That way, we all can contribute to the eliminating of hatred in our world today and work towards a better world.
If you are serious about changing the lives of people around you, will you help us start a ';Pay It Forward'; movement in your community? Help three people in any way and get them to repay the favour by helping another three people. Think about it. Imagine the power of this movement. It could change the world. Your actions could change this world we are living in.
God bless you and God bless mankind.How do you make yourself to change into a better person?
By making this conscious decision to be a better person, you are already half way there! You should be proud of yourself for making that first step.
Try volunteering (serving the homeless food, coach a team, working at a retreat center, donate your old clothes, join the big brother/big sister organization, there are a million organizations you can support and become involved with).
Read books about admirable people and learn from their lives.
Do random acts of kindness: cook for those you love, drop of a present or flowers or do something good for someone- but do it anonymously...
Learn about different cultures in the world and appreciate how lucky you really are.
Journal.- just write, even if you feel like you have nothiing to write- it will come to you. Write about your past experiences and try to come up with ways that you think may have been a better way to handle things. Write down the specific qualities that you want to have in the future.
Good Luck- I really love your question.
There are many things that you can do to become a better person. ... first hand what it feels like to transform into a genuinely great person.
Here are 3 keys to help you see yourself as a better person. ... be focusing on all the things that you think you do badly but you need to change the way you think
woah its quite a big task to do. but you can do it if you set your mind to it! so good on you for trying to be a better person. first of all i suggest discovering what is it about you that is rude, what causes you to be rude and ignorant? try to be more caring towards others use manner and be sympathetic. Perhaps if your having a conversation with someone and before you say something put yourself in there shoes, speak to people as you would want to be spoken to. Write down a list of things to improve at? a diary/notebook whatever really. You mentioned your immature, well to be honest everyone has a bit of immaturity in them it doesn't make them a bad person, if you have a serious side and a immature side then your doing just fine. You'll never lose your true identity because you are who you are, but you can improve and make yourself someone who you want to be and that is your identity, hope this helps %26amp; good luck! :)
If changing would make you a person, believe me, you would not loose yourself. Try having a recollection/retreat or therapy. it's also good if you focus your wanting for a special someone. let him/her help you. find someone you really trust and tell him/her everything you have in mind and ask for help.
Are there any online computer programs where you can upload pictures of yourself and change them?
I've been wanting to see how different make-up looks on me but don't wanna spend all the money. So I was wondering if there was a computer program I could use. It would also be cool if I could change other stuff on it to. Send a link please.Are there any online computer programs where you can upload pictures of yourself and change them? is THE BEST site for photo editing. You can't really do the makeup thing, but there still are alot of options to choose from! (There is a drawing tool-- maybe you could use that as a substitute?) You can choose to pay if you want (for more effects) but you can choose not to, and there still are alot of fun things you could do with your photos! You can also directly upload pictures from your Facebook account (if you have one)
I really recommend picnik! Trust me, it won't let you down :)
Hope this helps!
TextgalAre there any online computer programs where you can upload pictures of yourself and change them?
A very informative wezbsite, kindlhtt:/z y stay a minute in website and enter you email address for getting your answer.zz is THE BEST site for photo editing. You can't really do the makeup thing, but there still are alot of options to choose from! (There is a drawing tool-- maybe you could use that as a substitute?) You can choose to pay if you want (for more effects) but you can choose not to, and there still are alot of fun things you could do with your photos! You can also directly upload pictures from your Facebook account (if you have one)
I really recommend picnik! Trust me, it won't let you down :)
Hope this helps!
TextgalAre there any online computer programs where you can upload pictures of yourself and change them?
A very informative wezbsite, kindlhtt:/z y stay a minute in website and enter you email address for getting your answer.zz
What would you like to change about yourself?
i have so list going here... starters I talk toooo much!
how about you ? or are you just perfect ?What would you like to change about yourself?
I should be more stronger, but I am not..What would you like to change about yourself?
i'm definitely not perfect. one thing i dislike about myself sometimes is that i can be somewhat of a push over. you ask me for a favor %26amp; chances are i'll do it. even if it requires me to go out of my way sometimes.
I'm not perfect, but I appreciate myself just the way I am (=
I found it easier to accept myself with all my faults than try and change anything
i'm fine thanx
I'm extremely shy and I'm pretty sure I have social anxiety disorder so that would be a start. I also have a lisp which is probably part of the reason why I'm so shy so I'd like to improve my speech. I could go on and on. I'm a very flawed person. I probably wouldn't change everything though.
i wish i wasn't shy
I would like to be less annoying, not as desperate and think about others more often. Because honestly I can be really selfish and B***ey sometimes.
My crappy attitude ti life Jo.
It sucks hun....
My skin issues...ugh
I'd like to be less tall. I'm 6'4'' tall.
%26gt;perfecto papi says yes.%26gt;!%26gt;!%26gt;%26gt;
I wish i had more cash
you need to talk to me more because I listen too much!
Hi Sweetheart
My Address to somewhere in
how about you ? or are you just perfect ?What would you like to change about yourself?
I should be more stronger, but I am not..What would you like to change about yourself?
i'm definitely not perfect. one thing i dislike about myself sometimes is that i can be somewhat of a push over. you ask me for a favor %26amp; chances are i'll do it. even if it requires me to go out of my way sometimes.
I'm not perfect, but I appreciate myself just the way I am (=
I found it easier to accept myself with all my faults than try and change anything
i'm fine thanx
I'm extremely shy and I'm pretty sure I have social anxiety disorder so that would be a start. I also have a lisp which is probably part of the reason why I'm so shy so I'd like to improve my speech. I could go on and on. I'm a very flawed person. I probably wouldn't change everything though.
i wish i wasn't shy
I would like to be less annoying, not as desperate and think about others more often. Because honestly I can be really selfish and B***ey sometimes.
My crappy attitude ti life Jo.
It sucks hun....
My skin issues...ugh
I'd like to be less tall. I'm 6'4'' tall.
%26gt;perfecto papi says yes.%26gt;!%26gt;!%26gt;%26gt;
I wish i had more cash
you need to talk to me more because I listen too much!
Hi Sweetheart
My Address to somewhere in
How-to do it yourself change brakes and rotors on a 1991 s10 chevy blazer. 6 cylinder 4.3 liter eng.?
The first guy was right. I used a Haynes manual and brakes was the first thing I ever tried doing on my own without help. The manual was a lifesaver and offers a lot of pictures. Get the one specific to your truck. They even have a brake one.How-to do it yourself change brakes and rotors on a 1991 s10 chevy blazer. 6 cylinder 4.3 liter eng.?
You can't explain that in a forum like this, it is too involved. Your best bet is to buy a Chilton's or Haynes manual for your vehicle at an auto supply store, where they can also sell you the parts and any tools you might need. Better yet, see if you can get the factory service manual for the car.How-to do it yourself change brakes and rotors on a 1991 s10 chevy blazer. 6 cylinder 4.3 liter eng.?
If you have AOL or Yahoo! messenger, you can IM me and I can TRY to explain it to you. It's not hard, just hard to describe.
StillFrameBDS on AOL, albert_acanada on Yahoo!
chk out these sites
blazer-chevrolet-manual-owner.chevrole?br> highflyerarchive/2005/HF_20050325.pdf
Start by putting anti- squeak product on back of brake pads. lift up car, take tire off, preferrably use a jack stand to stabilize vehicle, take bolts that hold the caliper out, use hammer to tap caliper up to get it off rotor. (Handle caliper gently to prevent damaging flexible brake line) take pads out, use big C clamp to compress piston back into caliper as far as it goes..put brake pads in, set aside gently... slide rotor off, clean up new one with brake cleaner to get all oil off of it, slide new rotor on, clean up brake linings (area that contacts rotor) with brake cleaner. Slide caliper back on and bolt up. put wheel on... do the other side the same way... If you get a small amount of brake fliud spilling out of master cylinder (area you fill brake fliud) don't be alarmed now there is too much... start engine, VERY IMPORTANT- pump brake pedal until you have a firm pedal before putting in gear or there will be a delay that you don't have brakes! then make sure you have no leaks as it is not uncommon for a old rubber line to leak if it has been stressed....
You can't explain that in a forum like this, it is too involved. Your best bet is to buy a Chilton's or Haynes manual for your vehicle at an auto supply store, where they can also sell you the parts and any tools you might need. Better yet, see if you can get the factory service manual for the car.How-to do it yourself change brakes and rotors on a 1991 s10 chevy blazer. 6 cylinder 4.3 liter eng.?
If you have AOL or Yahoo! messenger, you can IM me and I can TRY to explain it to you. It's not hard, just hard to describe.
StillFrameBDS on AOL, albert_acanada on Yahoo!
chk out these sites
blazer-chevrolet-manual-owner.chevrole?br> highflyerarchive/2005/HF_20050325.pdf
Start by putting anti- squeak product on back of brake pads. lift up car, take tire off, preferrably use a jack stand to stabilize vehicle, take bolts that hold the caliper out, use hammer to tap caliper up to get it off rotor. (Handle caliper gently to prevent damaging flexible brake line) take pads out, use big C clamp to compress piston back into caliper as far as it goes..put brake pads in, set aside gently... slide rotor off, clean up new one with brake cleaner to get all oil off of it, slide new rotor on, clean up brake linings (area that contacts rotor) with brake cleaner. Slide caliper back on and bolt up. put wheel on... do the other side the same way... If you get a small amount of brake fliud spilling out of master cylinder (area you fill brake fliud) don't be alarmed now there is too much... start engine, VERY IMPORTANT- pump brake pedal until you have a firm pedal before putting in gear or there will be a delay that you don't have brakes! then make sure you have no leaks as it is not uncommon for a old rubber line to leak if it has been stressed....
How do you reset the maintenance light on a Honda civic(2004)???
The maintenance required light comes on in Honda's when you have reached mileage markers for routine vehicle maintenace, such as oil changes and stuff. How do you reset the reminder light if you do oil changes yourself, instead of taking to the dealership?How do you reset the maintenance light on a Honda civic(2004)???
you use the button that resets your trip odometer to reset the maintenance light.
with the key in the ignition but not turned on, hold the trip reset button in with one hand. then, while holding the button in, turn the ignition key to the ON position so that the lights on the dash come on.
continue to hold the reset button in and watch the maintenance light. it will take about 15 seconds for the light to go out
when the light goes out, turn the ignition key OFF and then release the trip reset button.
your light will be reset and come on in about another 5000 miles to remind you of the next service
hope that helpsHow do you reset the maintenance light on a Honda civic(2004)???
Be careful if your car is equipped with anti theft bec disconnecting battery may cause car not to want to start later.
The answer is right in your manual. At least in mine anyway. Hold down the trip meter button, turn the car to on, wait about 20 seconds, start the car, and let go of the button. Light is reset until the next mileage interval.
well... you need that machine thingy... but before you try that... unplug your battery for like 5 minutes and plug it back in... that should work.. but if not you can take it to auto zone, they check your light for free and im sure that they can clear it
Yeah, disconnecting your battery then reconnecting it should work. If you take it to the dealer they are gona charge you like $80 just to reset it. The only thing is your radio will reset too so make sure you have the code for it.
you use the button that resets your trip odometer to reset the maintenance light.
with the key in the ignition but not turned on, hold the trip reset button in with one hand. then, while holding the button in, turn the ignition key to the ON position so that the lights on the dash come on.
continue to hold the reset button in and watch the maintenance light. it will take about 15 seconds for the light to go out
when the light goes out, turn the ignition key OFF and then release the trip reset button.
your light will be reset and come on in about another 5000 miles to remind you of the next service
hope that helpsHow do you reset the maintenance light on a Honda civic(2004)???
Be careful if your car is equipped with anti theft bec disconnecting battery may cause car not to want to start later.
The answer is right in your manual. At least in mine anyway. Hold down the trip meter button, turn the car to on, wait about 20 seconds, start the car, and let go of the button. Light is reset until the next mileage interval.
well... you need that machine thingy... but before you try that... unplug your battery for like 5 minutes and plug it back in... that should work.. but if not you can take it to auto zone, they check your light for free and im sure that they can clear it
Yeah, disconnecting your battery then reconnecting it should work. If you take it to the dealer they are gona charge you like $80 just to reset it. The only thing is your radio will reset too so make sure you have the code for it.
What do you want to change about yourself or in your life and how could you change this?
Right now I want to change my weight, and I will exercise when I am done being pregnant. As for something I cant change, I wish I was more patient.What do you want to change about yourself or in your life and how could you change this?
uhm im working on having more confidence and being less shy and more relaxed in public.
I just force myself into public and remind myself that no one will be thinking about me or making fun of me becuase the world doesnt revolve around me( and i do know that world doesnt revolve around me i just get worried that people think im weird or whatever)What do you want to change about yourself or in your life and how could you change this?
i would so change my popularity status. im in middle school so you can only imagine how a semi-short girl with short messy hair and glasses who plays the french horn would feel.
I would like to fix some of my past mistakes. Some I have fixed, but some are beyond repair.teach to earn control in html forms
uhm im working on having more confidence and being less shy and more relaxed in public.
I just force myself into public and remind myself that no one will be thinking about me or making fun of me becuase the world doesnt revolve around me( and i do know that world doesnt revolve around me i just get worried that people think im weird or whatever)What do you want to change about yourself or in your life and how could you change this?
i would so change my popularity status. im in middle school so you can only imagine how a semi-short girl with short messy hair and glasses who plays the french horn would feel.
I would like to fix some of my past mistakes. Some I have fixed, but some are beyond repair.
Do you find yourself changing personality traits or gestures to match other peoples?
and its tiring, because you feel your losing yourself making these small adjustments around everyone?
its almost like a coping mechanism to make them relate to you more or make them feel more comfortable?
THEN after awhile you want to be yourself but you think theyll notice if you just changed how you were so you cant?
yes im depressed right now...Do you find yourself changing personality traits or gestures to match other peoples?
I do that all the time but I feel I have to to fit in. I thought I was the only one because no matter who the person is I am the one who has to change, never the other way around. I have friends that I grew up with that i can be myself around. I guess that is what is great about being a are just yourself! But on here I am myself...if the other person doesn't like it then they can move on but i find that i seem to be well liked so I may try to be myself more often in future...i said ';try'; so i am not making any promises! But is like you read my thoughts exactly...and you made me feel a little better so thanks...hope I did the same for you!Do you find yourself changing personality traits or gestures to match other peoples?
yes, but without the depression
Sometimes I do. I act a bit hyper when I'm around a hyper friend a lot. I start coming up with sarcastic rants after watching too much House and Scrubs. Little stuff like that. I think everyone has a element of randomness to their personality. We're never completely the same from day to day. Most people know and accept this on some level. I doubt anyone would really notice these brief changes in personality.
Everybody does that to some extent. You match each others mannerisms as a way to develop rapport. It usually happens subconciously, but you are either very self-conscious or you try a bit too hard. So don't feel too depressed about it. If you feel like something feels unnatural, just don't do it. That's all.
Try keeping a journal so you can stay in touch with what you think and feel. They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Do you really want to be friends with people who do not accept you for who you are? Do not allow yourself to feel bad because other people don't have the social skills or the maturity to like you the way you are. They are the ones lacking.
It is a great skill for ';selling'; it is called ';mirroring';...I do it naturally as well...other people actually try to learn the skill. You are right it is very exhausting when you do it naturally. It served me well in real estate and property management..but during every day is a bit daunting. It is actually a very valuable skill. You just have to learn how to harness it. I bet you would be awesome in sells...or marketing. I bet you read people very well too.
its almost like a coping mechanism to make them relate to you more or make them feel more comfortable?
THEN after awhile you want to be yourself but you think theyll notice if you just changed how you were so you cant?
yes im depressed right now...Do you find yourself changing personality traits or gestures to match other peoples?
I do that all the time but I feel I have to to fit in. I thought I was the only one because no matter who the person is I am the one who has to change, never the other way around. I have friends that I grew up with that i can be myself around. I guess that is what is great about being a are just yourself! But on here I am myself...if the other person doesn't like it then they can move on but i find that i seem to be well liked so I may try to be myself more often in future...i said ';try'; so i am not making any promises! But is like you read my thoughts exactly...and you made me feel a little better so thanks...hope I did the same for you!Do you find yourself changing personality traits or gestures to match other peoples?
yes, but without the depression
Sometimes I do. I act a bit hyper when I'm around a hyper friend a lot. I start coming up with sarcastic rants after watching too much House and Scrubs. Little stuff like that. I think everyone has a element of randomness to their personality. We're never completely the same from day to day. Most people know and accept this on some level. I doubt anyone would really notice these brief changes in personality.
Everybody does that to some extent. You match each others mannerisms as a way to develop rapport. It usually happens subconciously, but you are either very self-conscious or you try a bit too hard. So don't feel too depressed about it. If you feel like something feels unnatural, just don't do it. That's all.
Try keeping a journal so you can stay in touch with what you think and feel. They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Do you really want to be friends with people who do not accept you for who you are? Do not allow yourself to feel bad because other people don't have the social skills or the maturity to like you the way you are. They are the ones lacking.
It is a great skill for ';selling'; it is called ';mirroring';...I do it naturally as well...other people actually try to learn the skill. You are right it is very exhausting when you do it naturally. It served me well in real estate and property management..but during every day is a bit daunting. It is actually a very valuable skill. You just have to learn how to harness it. I bet you would be awesome in sells...or marketing. I bet you read people very well too.
Do you think you REALLY need some sort of change in yourself or in your life at this point?
or is it just me ? lol kidding ... im trying to see how many of us are really pleased with their lives NOW at this moment.
and i don't know in which category this question should fall under.... Do you think you REALLY need some sort of change in yourself or in your life at this point?
i need a change big really tired of Arizona and would like to move on for a few years at least.Do you think you REALLY need some sort of change in yourself or in your life at this point?
no. im very unhappy to tell the truth. the disadvantages of being 16 and living with horrible parents....
i really do feel like i need to change some aspects of myself and my life because honestly i dont feel like i am doing my best or that this is the best i can be, i expect more from myself and i am not living up to those insane standards i put for myself lol
i am pleased with my life somewhat, as long as i have my habibi i cant say i am not at all pleased with it, i am just not pleased with myself, if that makes any sense
and i am like Bee...being 16 and having strict parents doesnt make life easy lol bright side of all this is in 2months i will be 17 :-P yay
No, I am at the point in my life that I am the happiest.
I just wish I could freeze it here!
i'm not pleased with my life right now..
can't explain's too long
edit: im 16
I am very happy at my life now, But I am very ambetion for a better life style, work promotion, and kids :)
i don't think that anyone can label his/her life as happy or has many stages and in every stage you have happiness and sadness.when i was a teenager,i thought life was so tough.the war was raging in Lebanon and basically,we were deprived of a lot of activities that any teenager would enjoy,yet in school we had some sort of a book club and being a person who loves reading,i did actually spend nice time doing well as being involved with some organization like Save The Children and the Red Cross.
Now i look at my life,i find the good moments,my kids take a lot of my time specially my boy,he has multiple health issues including a blood disorder,transfusions every 2 to 3 weeks,chelation therapy which involves a needle being inserted into his stomach to give him some medicine that goes thru a machine for 10 hours a night,6 night a week(i do the needle daily and it is not fun for me or him) and add to that,asthma,heart problem(for which he had surgery this year),low immune system as he does not have a spleen,and last but not least,seizures.BTW:he is only 12 years old.
so as i look as his life and mine,i feel lucky and blessed for having him because he is a constant reminder how my life is easy and his life is so complicated so he gives me hope,i actually enjoy spending time with him.
so ask me what do i need in me,i'll say nothing.But i wish i can change my son's life to the better
Sometimes your life forces you to change or you find yourself at a point where u need to change even if you don't want to ... that's just life %26amp; that's just what's happening with me .... Now i'm preparing for marriage, travelling, masters, %26amp; a wedding .... All these are forcing me somehow to change my old life %26amp; prepare for a new one (even though it was my decision in the first place).
my life right now is kind of boring, and I think this is because I'm the type of person who will not take any kind of risks.
and i don't know in which category this question should fall under.... Do you think you REALLY need some sort of change in yourself or in your life at this point?
i need a change big really tired of Arizona and would like to move on for a few years at least.Do you think you REALLY need some sort of change in yourself or in your life at this point?
no. im very unhappy to tell the truth. the disadvantages of being 16 and living with horrible parents....
i really do feel like i need to change some aspects of myself and my life because honestly i dont feel like i am doing my best or that this is the best i can be, i expect more from myself and i am not living up to those insane standards i put for myself lol
i am pleased with my life somewhat, as long as i have my habibi i cant say i am not at all pleased with it, i am just not pleased with myself, if that makes any sense
and i am like Bee...being 16 and having strict parents doesnt make life easy lol bright side of all this is in 2months i will be 17 :-P yay
No, I am at the point in my life that I am the happiest.
I just wish I could freeze it here!
i'm not pleased with my life right now..
can't explain's too long
edit: im 16
I am very happy at my life now, But I am very ambetion for a better life style, work promotion, and kids :)
i don't think that anyone can label his/her life as happy or has many stages and in every stage you have happiness and sadness.when i was a teenager,i thought life was so tough.the war was raging in Lebanon and basically,we were deprived of a lot of activities that any teenager would enjoy,yet in school we had some sort of a book club and being a person who loves reading,i did actually spend nice time doing well as being involved with some organization like Save The Children and the Red Cross.
Now i look at my life,i find the good moments,my kids take a lot of my time specially my boy,he has multiple health issues including a blood disorder,transfusions every 2 to 3 weeks,chelation therapy which involves a needle being inserted into his stomach to give him some medicine that goes thru a machine for 10 hours a night,6 night a week(i do the needle daily and it is not fun for me or him) and add to that,asthma,heart problem(for which he had surgery this year),low immune system as he does not have a spleen,and last but not least,seizures.BTW:he is only 12 years old.
so as i look as his life and mine,i feel lucky and blessed for having him because he is a constant reminder how my life is easy and his life is so complicated so he gives me hope,i actually enjoy spending time with him.
so ask me what do i need in me,i'll say nothing.But i wish i can change my son's life to the better
Sometimes your life forces you to change or you find yourself at a point where u need to change even if you don't want to ... that's just life %26amp; that's just what's happening with me .... Now i'm preparing for marriage, travelling, masters, %26amp; a wedding .... All these are forcing me somehow to change my old life %26amp; prepare for a new one (even though it was my decision in the first place).
my life right now is kind of boring, and I think this is because I'm the type of person who will not take any kind of risks.
How much does it cost to do an oil change by yourself? and what do you need?
It all really depends on what kind of oil/filter you buy and how much you need. You can get cheap oil for ~.69 cents a quart at Murrays full synthetic is around $6 dollars per quart. Filters are between $5-$15. Most cars use around 5 quarts, so total you are looking at between ~$8.50 and $45 depending on the quality that you want.
As far as tools you need a jack, jack-stand, a catch pan for the old oil, a wrench for the drain plug, a funnel, and an oil filter wrench. Should only take half-hour at the most.How much does it cost to do an oil change by yourself? and what do you need?
need a wrench oil and an a new filterHow much does it cost to do an oil change by yourself? and what do you need?
20 -25 more if you want a better oil
just go to a car parts store and they should be able to help you finding everything you need along with some tips
If you have a jack and some jack stands it helps. Or ramps are nice too. I would guess anywhere from $30 to $50 for a wrench set, ramps, an oil pan and a filter wrench and then the cost of the oil and filter. Once you have the tools, future changes will be pretty cheap so it will pay for it self quickly.
no offence but if u don't know what ur doing and u have to ask DON'T DO IT U DO IT WRONG U WILL DAMEGE MOTOR SAFER FOR U TO HAVE IT DONE !!! JUST TRING TO HELP
As far as tools you need a jack, jack-stand, a catch pan for the old oil, a wrench for the drain plug, a funnel, and an oil filter wrench. Should only take half-hour at the most.How much does it cost to do an oil change by yourself? and what do you need?
need a wrench oil and an a new filterHow much does it cost to do an oil change by yourself? and what do you need?
20 -25 more if you want a better oil
just go to a car parts store and they should be able to help you finding everything you need along with some tips
If you have a jack and some jack stands it helps. Or ramps are nice too. I would guess anywhere from $30 to $50 for a wrench set, ramps, an oil pan and a filter wrench and then the cost of the oil and filter. Once you have the tools, future changes will be pretty cheap so it will pay for it self quickly.
no offence but if u don't know what ur doing and u have to ask DON'T DO IT U DO IT WRONG U WILL DAMEGE MOTOR SAFER FOR U TO HAVE IT DONE !!! JUST TRING TO HELP
How do you find happiness?
How do you find happiness and like the way you look and they way you are inside(even after trying to change yourself. ex, shy to outgoing didn't work out so you're back to quiet and of course- invisible)?How do you find happiness?
What a great question that so many people are asking. It seems as though you do no like youself. Either you have to accept you as you are or you need to make some changes. I found this answer very helpful, it is from Rick, a yahoo answers member, who changed himself.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Hi Mindy,
When I was in high school I was at the bottom of the school's pecking order. People bullied me; I was shy and miserable. I realized that I was acting like a victim and so people victimized me. I decided to change my personality.
It was the hardest thing I ever did.
Some bits of advice:
-- Go to some classes on how to communicate more effectively. A lot of things are easier if you can communicate well.
-- When you do something that does not work, think about how to do better and force yourself to do things differently next time. When trying to change your personality, habits are your enemy.
-- Try to find just one or two people who you like and are willing to help you. If you get some kind people to reinforce your successful behavior and give some kind advice when you mess up it is a big help.
-- Are their people in your life that reinforce your unsuccessful behaviour? If you identify people who are holding you back AVOID THEM!!! This is very important. A lot of your behaviour is triggered by the behavior of others, if some idiot is making it hard for you to change, DO NOT spend time with them!!!
-- Spend time in different places. Do different things. This forces you out of old habits which is important when you are trying to change yourself.
-- Try to find a way to socialize where you are successful. With me, I was good with games. (Try for lots of really great games like ';Settlers of Catan';, ';Ticket to Ride'; and the like.) But my point is be socially successful in a couple areas and get practice being with people.
-- Accomplish things! Maybe put your social life on hold for a bit and do something significant. The best way to improve your self esteem is to accomplish something important and difficult. Doing so will likely give you interesting experiences which make you more fun to be with as well as raising your self confidence.
-- Volunteer to help people. Could you be a Big Sister to a little girl without a mom?
-- Don't wait for people to entertain you. Force yourself to be outgoing enough to invite others to a movie, over to your house to play some games and have a drink, invite a friend with an interest in Astronomy to the local planetarium, etc. A guy I knew was always complaining that he never met girls, but all he did was sit around watching TV! He wouldn't meet a girl if one crawled down his chimney with a little black box of toys. You've got to make an effort to meet people.
-- My wife didn't have a lot of friends in my city. We bumped into a nice couple that sold her a corset. So I invited them to play some games and now we see them ~1 a month for a get together. Most people are happy that you show enough interest in them to want to spend time with them.
-- Exercise is good for fighting depression. And you might meet someone nice in the gym.
-- Think about what causes you to act like a jerk. Think about a middle ground where you are not super quiet but not jerk like. Any rules of thumb you might think of that will remind you when you're going too far?
-- Don't buy in to any quick fix schemes. No new cult (e.g. scientology) is going to make you instantly happy. Building social and personal skills is a lot of work but worth it.
Good luck! Changing my personality took at least 5 years but I did it and I'm very happy now. Don't give up if you back slide a bit, remember habits are an enemy. Keep trying, celebrate small successes and eventually you will have better habits. Hopefully you will be a lot happier in the future.
Warm regards, Rick.
I hope this helps!How do you find happiness?
Buy a book entitled ';How to become a radical'; and let everyone notice it!0!
Good luck!
i smoke marijuana. it gives me wisdom.
when the apple tree is full of evils the tree will fall teach children where anger come from it's won't be no open war.tree won't fail....serve the power father!...
just say you love yourself over and over again, and try to idealize being quiet. stay away from loud people and try to only enjoy the other quiet ones.
Happiness from my experience comes from within. The problem lies when you look for it externally - in friends, family, sports, husband, girlfriend, house, car etc. Everything external in time will dissappoint you because its not permanent. You meet a wonderful person and you fall in love and then get married. Slowly, the honeymoon is over and reality kicks in again. Then you start looking for happiness in kids and that also fades over time. Then you look to your friends and try and find happiness there and they also disappoint. You get all sad because your hair turns grey and you are getting old. All is temporary. Strive to find that real fountain of peace and bliss within you and you will be happy forever. Reduce your desires and maintain harmony within - thought, word and deed must be in alignment. Put the highest value on your peace of mind - dont associate with anyone or anything that reduces it. When you value peace and happiness, they will value you.
What a great question that so many people are asking. It seems as though you do no like youself. Either you have to accept you as you are or you need to make some changes. I found this answer very helpful, it is from Rick, a yahoo answers member, who changed himself.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Hi Mindy,
When I was in high school I was at the bottom of the school's pecking order. People bullied me; I was shy and miserable. I realized that I was acting like a victim and so people victimized me. I decided to change my personality.
It was the hardest thing I ever did.
Some bits of advice:
-- Go to some classes on how to communicate more effectively. A lot of things are easier if you can communicate well.
-- When you do something that does not work, think about how to do better and force yourself to do things differently next time. When trying to change your personality, habits are your enemy.
-- Try to find just one or two people who you like and are willing to help you. If you get some kind people to reinforce your successful behavior and give some kind advice when you mess up it is a big help.
-- Are their people in your life that reinforce your unsuccessful behaviour? If you identify people who are holding you back AVOID THEM!!! This is very important. A lot of your behaviour is triggered by the behavior of others, if some idiot is making it hard for you to change, DO NOT spend time with them!!!
-- Spend time in different places. Do different things. This forces you out of old habits which is important when you are trying to change yourself.
-- Try to find a way to socialize where you are successful. With me, I was good with games. (Try for lots of really great games like ';Settlers of Catan';, ';Ticket to Ride'; and the like.) But my point is be socially successful in a couple areas and get practice being with people.
-- Accomplish things! Maybe put your social life on hold for a bit and do something significant. The best way to improve your self esteem is to accomplish something important and difficult. Doing so will likely give you interesting experiences which make you more fun to be with as well as raising your self confidence.
-- Volunteer to help people. Could you be a Big Sister to a little girl without a mom?
-- Don't wait for people to entertain you. Force yourself to be outgoing enough to invite others to a movie, over to your house to play some games and have a drink, invite a friend with an interest in Astronomy to the local planetarium, etc. A guy I knew was always complaining that he never met girls, but all he did was sit around watching TV! He wouldn't meet a girl if one crawled down his chimney with a little black box of toys. You've got to make an effort to meet people.
-- My wife didn't have a lot of friends in my city. We bumped into a nice couple that sold her a corset. So I invited them to play some games and now we see them ~1 a month for a get together. Most people are happy that you show enough interest in them to want to spend time with them.
-- Exercise is good for fighting depression. And you might meet someone nice in the gym.
-- Think about what causes you to act like a jerk. Think about a middle ground where you are not super quiet but not jerk like. Any rules of thumb you might think of that will remind you when you're going too far?
-- Don't buy in to any quick fix schemes. No new cult (e.g. scientology) is going to make you instantly happy. Building social and personal skills is a lot of work but worth it.
Good luck! Changing my personality took at least 5 years but I did it and I'm very happy now. Don't give up if you back slide a bit, remember habits are an enemy. Keep trying, celebrate small successes and eventually you will have better habits. Hopefully you will be a lot happier in the future.
Warm regards, Rick.
I hope this helps!How do you find happiness?
Buy a book entitled ';How to become a radical'; and let everyone notice it!0!
Good luck!
i smoke marijuana. it gives me wisdom.
when the apple tree is full of evils the tree will fall teach children where anger come from it's won't be no open war.tree won't fail....serve the power father!...
just say you love yourself over and over again, and try to idealize being quiet. stay away from loud people and try to only enjoy the other quiet ones.
Happiness from my experience comes from within. The problem lies when you look for it externally - in friends, family, sports, husband, girlfriend, house, car etc. Everything external in time will dissappoint you because its not permanent. You meet a wonderful person and you fall in love and then get married. Slowly, the honeymoon is over and reality kicks in again. Then you start looking for happiness in kids and that also fades over time. Then you look to your friends and try and find happiness there and they also disappoint. You get all sad because your hair turns grey and you are getting old. All is temporary. Strive to find that real fountain of peace and bliss within you and you will be happy forever. Reduce your desires and maintain harmony within - thought, word and deed must be in alignment. Put the highest value on your peace of mind - dont associate with anyone or anything that reduces it. When you value peace and happiness, they will value you.
How do you separate how you are and feel from how you wish you could be? any books about it?
are you suppose to divide the two? since for the most part its not completely impossible to change yourself...i it? can you actually change the way you think?
all this confusion is exhausting
also can you recommend some books to read on this subject.
im going to put this question in that section also...i hope someone can helpHow do you separate how you are and feel from how you wish you could be? any books about it?
i believe the human being is so complex you can change anything about it. changing the way you think basically lies in destroying your paradigms; there are excercises which help you, depending on which paradigm you want to destroy or overcome.
however, there is an essential part of you that is unchangeable, your past, and that will always be with you; you cannot change the past, you cannot change who you are now; since who you are know and who you have been are unchangeable, who you will be will always have these two yous with him. very confusing, but logical.
i'd read ';the unbearable lightness of being'; by milan kundera, it talks about change, and how people have an idea of themselves, and this doesn't always reconcile with who they actually are. plus it's very entertaining; deep yet light, which is another theme exposed, lightness and weight...How do you separate how you are and feel from how you wish you could be? any books about it?
Actually, there are many things and ways to change the way you feel.
Infact, you're in luck!!!
There is a book called The Magic of Thinking Big By: David J. Schwartz.
He talks about how to grow your self confidence and how to get people to look at you as of importance and respectable.
He talks a bit obout the subconsiouce mind and how you can increase your confidence.
1. Action curse fear: isolate your fear and then take constructive action
fear distroys confidence
2. Put only positive thoughts in your memory bank
3. Put people in proper perspective
People are more allike then they are different
4. Practice doing what your conscience tells you is right
5. Make everything about you say, ';I'm confident, really confident';
5 steps to help you get there:
1. Be a ';front seater.';
2. make eye contact
3. Walk 25% faster (explained in book)
4. Speak up
5. Smile bigcope with divorce reptiles
all this confusion is exhausting
also can you recommend some books to read on this subject.
im going to put this question in that section also...i hope someone can helpHow do you separate how you are and feel from how you wish you could be? any books about it?
i believe the human being is so complex you can change anything about it. changing the way you think basically lies in destroying your paradigms; there are excercises which help you, depending on which paradigm you want to destroy or overcome.
however, there is an essential part of you that is unchangeable, your past, and that will always be with you; you cannot change the past, you cannot change who you are now; since who you are know and who you have been are unchangeable, who you will be will always have these two yous with him. very confusing, but logical.
i'd read ';the unbearable lightness of being'; by milan kundera, it talks about change, and how people have an idea of themselves, and this doesn't always reconcile with who they actually are. plus it's very entertaining; deep yet light, which is another theme exposed, lightness and weight...How do you separate how you are and feel from how you wish you could be? any books about it?
Actually, there are many things and ways to change the way you feel.
Infact, you're in luck!!!
There is a book called The Magic of Thinking Big By: David J. Schwartz.
He talks about how to grow your self confidence and how to get people to look at you as of importance and respectable.
He talks a bit obout the subconsiouce mind and how you can increase your confidence.
1. Action curse fear: isolate your fear and then take constructive action
fear distroys confidence
2. Put only positive thoughts in your memory bank
3. Put people in proper perspective
People are more allike then they are different
4. Practice doing what your conscience tells you is right
5. Make everything about you say, ';I'm confident, really confident';
5 steps to help you get there:
1. Be a ';front seater.';
2. make eye contact
3. Walk 25% faster (explained in book)
4. Speak up
5. Smile big
Can You Change with the Old Concept of Yourself...?
';Jesus warned about the folly of putting a patch of new material upon an old garment, or of putting new wine into old bottles. ';Positive thinking'; cannot be used effectively as a patch or a crutch to the same self image';
Psycho-Cybernectics...Maxwell Maltz, MD
In changing your life, do you find yourself changing how you viewed yourself as a person...altogether?
Did you find that you had ';better'; consistant results after doing so?
Thanks for your thoughts and Peace!Can You Change with the Old Concept of Yourself...?
Does not change mean to become different? As with most things, there are two main schools of thought on this. They can be reduced to negative and positive feedback. The 12 step programs, where you ';avoid doing things else you become this'; is a form of the negative side, and this is a very good way for many! Some however have the good fortune to have someone just tell them, ';It is a matter of looking for the good things you will receive for doing this good that will change your life!'; By looking for the positive side of everything, you reprogram yourself from ';using your power of miracles backwards to promote tragic events in your life'; to a ';I am rich beyond measure because I am the source of change!';
People are trained from a very early age to fear death, and yet it is the death of the old that must be embraced to do a change into a positive thinking person. To become someone who plants seeds and pours love into them to help them grow. Someone who can find the joy in life, not the sorrow of not doing things. This is the very reason for the mid-life change everyone goes through over and over... they fail to realize that you cannot live in the past, and that only through proper forgiveness can the old self be laid to rest, that the new self can flurish! I look forward to the time you can laugh at this death, for on that day you have gone through your rebirth... this is not something that can be eaisly explained, nor is it something that is hard to do, but it is something most refuse to do, for the pain of the old ways has become as a well worn garmet that they refuse to discard.
I could quote scriptures, I could provide scientific data, I can even offer my own life experiences, but till you experience it for yourself, it is not real! Untill you give yourself permission to enjoy life and decide to be happy, you will know only breif moments of the joy that life has to offer... I know people who can become nearly flooded with orgasmic bliss just doing the dishes, because they are doing it as an act of LOVE... and they choose to reward themselves with these feelings as they do these things... unlike the old self that saw doing the dishes as a punishment to be avoided at all costs.
PS, congrats on the orange box...
.Can You Change with the Old Concept of Yourself...?
';I'; have never been able to change anything in my life. It is Jesus Who does that.....and thank God for HIM.
yes, very much so. i have grown a lot more mature, aware, conscious, empathetic. when i look at my life, i can see 3 stages.
1) at first my main focus in life was to achieve high, to try to make others like me, to try to fit in. I never suceeded (apart from achieving high) and felt insecure, unworthy, very confused... However, I had a good sense of who I was (what my interests were. Primarily nature %26amp; art)
2) Then I totally rejected/abandoned myself--i tried to be like everyone else. It was an absolutely horrible choice. However, at least now I have that to look back on, and have an innate understanding of the importance of accepting yourself.
3) I decided to embrace who I was, and to try to return to my 'true self' (what i understood it to be at that time). It's been a long process, but more and more i am moving into who I really am, and my life is becoming less painful. Also, I have gained spiritual awareness, cultural awareness, love %26amp; respect for humanity (and all of life). My experiences have shapped me-for the better. Without them to look back and reflect on, I wouldn't be sure %26amp; steady today in my efforts to define who i am.
yes, it is possible to TRANSFORM oneSelf,
and with AWARENESS too....... and REMAIN consistant at that.
However, the world around u - may not be able to FLOW along with the NEW you, and as such, u may have to CREATE, RECONsTRUCT AND REBUILD a new world for your Self.
it was JESUS who also uttered '; BE STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD.';
When the mental activities are STILLED, the SILENCE from WITHIN, leaves one in a world of UNCONDITIONAL peace and Love.
You can't, it happens with the grace of Lord.
Change your thoughts.
yup always think positive and peace up yo
I am 28. When I think of myself from 16-25..I can't stand myself. I am embarrassed about who I was all those years. I don't know that I am a different person now, I actually think I just really found out who I really am, and that person that I can't stand was me...but me trying to be something I wasn't.
Psycho-Cybernectics...Maxwell Maltz, MD
In changing your life, do you find yourself changing how you viewed yourself as a person...altogether?
Did you find that you had ';better'; consistant results after doing so?
Thanks for your thoughts and Peace!Can You Change with the Old Concept of Yourself...?
Does not change mean to become different? As with most things, there are two main schools of thought on this. They can be reduced to negative and positive feedback. The 12 step programs, where you ';avoid doing things else you become this'; is a form of the negative side, and this is a very good way for many! Some however have the good fortune to have someone just tell them, ';It is a matter of looking for the good things you will receive for doing this good that will change your life!'; By looking for the positive side of everything, you reprogram yourself from ';using your power of miracles backwards to promote tragic events in your life'; to a ';I am rich beyond measure because I am the source of change!';
People are trained from a very early age to fear death, and yet it is the death of the old that must be embraced to do a change into a positive thinking person. To become someone who plants seeds and pours love into them to help them grow. Someone who can find the joy in life, not the sorrow of not doing things. This is the very reason for the mid-life change everyone goes through over and over... they fail to realize that you cannot live in the past, and that only through proper forgiveness can the old self be laid to rest, that the new self can flurish! I look forward to the time you can laugh at this death, for on that day you have gone through your rebirth... this is not something that can be eaisly explained, nor is it something that is hard to do, but it is something most refuse to do, for the pain of the old ways has become as a well worn garmet that they refuse to discard.
I could quote scriptures, I could provide scientific data, I can even offer my own life experiences, but till you experience it for yourself, it is not real! Untill you give yourself permission to enjoy life and decide to be happy, you will know only breif moments of the joy that life has to offer... I know people who can become nearly flooded with orgasmic bliss just doing the dishes, because they are doing it as an act of LOVE... and they choose to reward themselves with these feelings as they do these things... unlike the old self that saw doing the dishes as a punishment to be avoided at all costs.
PS, congrats on the orange box...
.Can You Change with the Old Concept of Yourself...?
';I'; have never been able to change anything in my life. It is Jesus Who does that.....and thank God for HIM.
yes, very much so. i have grown a lot more mature, aware, conscious, empathetic. when i look at my life, i can see 3 stages.
1) at first my main focus in life was to achieve high, to try to make others like me, to try to fit in. I never suceeded (apart from achieving high) and felt insecure, unworthy, very confused... However, I had a good sense of who I was (what my interests were. Primarily nature %26amp; art)
2) Then I totally rejected/abandoned myself--i tried to be like everyone else. It was an absolutely horrible choice. However, at least now I have that to look back on, and have an innate understanding of the importance of accepting yourself.
3) I decided to embrace who I was, and to try to return to my 'true self' (what i understood it to be at that time). It's been a long process, but more and more i am moving into who I really am, and my life is becoming less painful. Also, I have gained spiritual awareness, cultural awareness, love %26amp; respect for humanity (and all of life). My experiences have shapped me-for the better. Without them to look back and reflect on, I wouldn't be sure %26amp; steady today in my efforts to define who i am.
yes, it is possible to TRANSFORM oneSelf,
and with AWARENESS too....... and REMAIN consistant at that.
However, the world around u - may not be able to FLOW along with the NEW you, and as such, u may have to CREATE, RECONsTRUCT AND REBUILD a new world for your Self.
it was JESUS who also uttered '; BE STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD.';
When the mental activities are STILLED, the SILENCE from WITHIN, leaves one in a world of UNCONDITIONAL peace and Love.
You can't, it happens with the grace of Lord.
Change your thoughts.
yup always think positive and peace up yo
I am 28. When I think of myself from 16-25..I can't stand myself. I am embarrassed about who I was all those years. I don't know that I am a different person now, I actually think I just really found out who I really am, and that person that I can't stand was me...but me trying to be something I wasn't.
Halo 3 ODST question about player's identity for multiplayer?
In multiplayer, how do I change my emblem picture? Also how to change yourself into a different spartan?Halo 3 ODST question about player's identity for multiplayer?
press start and scroll over, there be a place called ';appearance'; go to there.
press start and scroll over, there be a place called ';appearance'; go to there.
You know how everyone says that attractiveness is just about personality?
Well i was wondering, isn't that unfair? I mean everyone is like ';it's not about how you look it's about your personality'; But i think that's unfair, because your born with your personality and i think everyone should be themselves. For example it's considered a lot better to be outgoing than quite, but if you are naturally quite than you shouldn't change yourself just to fit in, right?
Am i making Sense here? Tell me your opinion.You know how everyone says that attractiveness is just about personality?
You are the person you make yourself.. You build who you are.. Yeah this is a bunch of BS but you know how many people out there build themselves to have the personality they have now.. They changed because they felt that it was necessary to change.. Some people do there best and they are still awesome..You know how everyone says that attractiveness is just about personality?
theres nothing wrong with being quiet. lots of people prefer quiet people to loud/outgoing ones
what is your question?
Well, maybe someone finds a naturally quiet personality beauty or attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder...
Its not ONLY about personality though personality has a lot more to do with attraction (especially long-term) than anything else.
Its not unfair. We all like different things. Different personality types are attracted to different personality types. I don't think people should change just to fit in. They may want to change if they're unhappy with themselves or the responses they're getting from others.
I've always liked thinking of it this way - there's a screw for every nut. Bottom line - be yourself (and patient?) and you'll find someone perfect for you. If you're fake just to find a mate, you won't be happy anyhow.
yes this does make since, i am veryy shy. i wont speak unless im spoken to. but i have found a wonderful boyfriend. who is outgoing, but shy as well. i mean its all on who you meet. i dont really think it is unfair unless you really cant findsomeone. and there are some who do look upon beauty and not personality, but those are really the jerks. i hadnt kissed a boy until i found who i am currently with. and that was at 15 i found him. and i dont find that unfair. it all on how you look at it really
some what but attractiveness is usually based on pheromones, im no scientist but as I recall ur much more likely to be attractive if u have opposite pheromones
No, it is a combination of both physical and personality traits. And if you are a quiet person, than you don't have to be any different just to fit in. I'll bet when you find a conversation about something you are interested in and know about, you have alot to say. To get over my shyness I took a voice class. It was so hard, but now when I need to I can say something alot easier than before the class.
id like to say that your personality is predetermined to an extent, your personality is very much effected by your environment
and no you should not change yourself to fit in, but there is a difference between being quiet and avoiding conversation
Am i making Sense here? Tell me your opinion.You know how everyone says that attractiveness is just about personality?
You are the person you make yourself.. You build who you are.. Yeah this is a bunch of BS but you know how many people out there build themselves to have the personality they have now.. They changed because they felt that it was necessary to change.. Some people do there best and they are still awesome..You know how everyone says that attractiveness is just about personality?
theres nothing wrong with being quiet. lots of people prefer quiet people to loud/outgoing ones
what is your question?
Well, maybe someone finds a naturally quiet personality beauty or attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder...
Its not ONLY about personality though personality has a lot more to do with attraction (especially long-term) than anything else.
Its not unfair. We all like different things. Different personality types are attracted to different personality types. I don't think people should change just to fit in. They may want to change if they're unhappy with themselves or the responses they're getting from others.
I've always liked thinking of it this way - there's a screw for every nut. Bottom line - be yourself (and patient?) and you'll find someone perfect for you. If you're fake just to find a mate, you won't be happy anyhow.
yes this does make since, i am veryy shy. i wont speak unless im spoken to. but i have found a wonderful boyfriend. who is outgoing, but shy as well. i mean its all on who you meet. i dont really think it is unfair unless you really cant findsomeone. and there are some who do look upon beauty and not personality, but those are really the jerks. i hadnt kissed a boy until i found who i am currently with. and that was at 15 i found him. and i dont find that unfair. it all on how you look at it really
some what but attractiveness is usually based on pheromones, im no scientist but as I recall ur much more likely to be attractive if u have opposite pheromones
No, it is a combination of both physical and personality traits. And if you are a quiet person, than you don't have to be any different just to fit in. I'll bet when you find a conversation about something you are interested in and know about, you have alot to say. To get over my shyness I took a voice class. It was so hard, but now when I need to I can say something alot easier than before the class.
id like to say that your personality is predetermined to an extent, your personality is very much effected by your environment
and no you should not change yourself to fit in, but there is a difference between being quiet and avoiding conversation
Does it make you more sick or more angry when you feel someone treats you like a BAD person because ur smart?
why and how so?
btw, which area of world are you%26gt;?
and how common is this there?
how you change yourself when this happens?
again, why so?
why are people like this you think?
how to help them?Does it make you more sick or more angry when you feel someone treats you like a BAD person because ur smart?
Yes! Because thay are retards!Does it make you more sick or more angry when you feel someone treats you like a BAD person because ur smart?
it makes me feel sick.
because THEN they are going to make you out to be ';narcisstic'; person next and punish you for this. and you actually begin to play this out around them too.
but maybe it is part imagination but you still do it for some reason. and hate yourself too. for no reason.
mad and 2 many questiong to answer
No. The fact that I work hard in school and get excellent grades to show for it doesn't make me a bad person. I live in New York State (obviously, the U.S.) and I'd say the whole ';hating nerds'; thing is pretty popular.
I dunno. You just gotta ignore it.
Angry :)
it is because you make them feel insecure.
YEAH! I think its funny though when people are like ';OMG how do you know these things do you just read books all day looking for weird things like this!'; and its like... well no, but i watch the news and participate in real life..
Im indifferent in this kind of situation because i know im smarter than that other person. Just pray and we will see.
yea but the hell with them .
Ignore them. They're the BAD ones !!
It makes me sick AND angry.
I try everyday to do everything to please my man and it seems that everything i do is not good enough. He always has something to say on the way I speak, the way I behave and I'm sick of it and makes me so angry that it starts a fight.
I think im going to go on a depression if this don't stop soon.
and I have no clue how to help
No. I don't act like a JERK and flaunt my intelligence. Also if this happens to you a lot, you are a bad person.
I've never had that have to me
No evryone cannot like you for being too smart instead when they do that i know people have noticed my talent and they are angry they dont have it
Define bad, and define the social context, give an example...this is just too open ended. It's like a personal thought or reflection of a personal event that wasn't translated into a accommodating question for everyone. It seems to feed your own needs and personal feelings based on personal's not even a question.
It makes me more embarrassed than anything, because I should be smart enough to tell a dumb person from a crowd. People shut me out because talking to me makes them feel dumb. This happens a lot in Chicago, but there are enough smart people for me to be friends with. I used to pretend I was dumber than I am, but now I've stopped, because I'm now accepted for who I am. People are like this because the don't like to feel stupid. The only way to help them is to teach them to be smart.
I don't know.
Not really sure.
Not very. Smart people are few and far between here. :P
Not at all
Because they're the idiots, so why should I change?
Because they're afraid of the inevitable: Brains conquering brawn.
Overtake the earth and make it illegal for them to reproduce.
Neither. People don't treat smart people bad here in Seattle, WA.
I'm smart, and a couple of kids (Druggies) have called me a nerd once in a while, but it dosent phase me. I look pitifully upon them and say, ';you'll be the janitor of my multi-million dollar companies skyscraper in ten years so WHAT??'; ahaha. Plus i know i have friends so they back me up.
If someone calls me a nerd or geek, i take it as a compliment. I mean hey, they just called me smart, right?
I live in California, OC to be exact.
Hope this helps!!
1.) I actually feel good when people treat me poorly because I am smart. Honestly, if you think about, people who make fun of you for being smart are normally C-D students, so I feel pretty good. Haters make me feel like I have a reason to live.
2.) I live in the USA; Eastern coast.
3.) Our school isn't that bad, honestly.
4.) It helps me, actually. Haha, it sounds dumb, but everytime someone makes fun of me for getting good grades, I do well on the next test, quiz, etc.
5.) n/a
6.) Jealousy, insecurity.
7.) Help them out. In study halls, after school; ask them if they need help on this or that. Maybe you'll end up being friends :)
They actually use or ignore smart which in turn leads to rumors spreading about how you do weird things or disgusting things for that matter which leads to people running away from you or just completely ignoring you. Do you know how hard it is to prove the people wrong after that they spread stuff like that? I mean it sucks which makes me very angry. The only friends i have are the once who don't go to my school or who actually know me because of stuff like that. DON'T TREAT SMART PEOPLE BADLY YOU **********. I mean we deserve some respect, not a lot but some. Just leave us alone or help us.
It makes me angry. I live in Ireland and it's quite common in the earliest stage of secondary school. I don't change myself I just get really angry at them for saying mean stuff and then I mope for a bit. Stupid people are like this you can't help them, they just don't get it there'll always be discrimination against smart people.
well i work hard for my straight As on my report card. some people try to ';use'; me like when we do a project some people want to be my partner, even tho they've treated me like crap the other times. it makes me laugh, because i don't WANT to be their partner. i live in the US. and i really don't care if i get teased or whatever. i'm not one of those people who are like ';i really want to be popular and at whatever chance i get i'll take it';
angry most definitely.
it is simple to see why they do it, but it doesn't excuse them for being completely immature and horrible.
I live In Canada, when this happens I try not to change myself because then I would be a sell out. People are like this because if they don't understand someone or something, the default setting is to treat them badly; it is the easiest. I guess the only way to help them would be to kill them with kindness...
though there isn't much of a chance that you will catch me doing that.
It makes me mad when that happens. It just seems that nobody cares
that you will have a successful future all they care about is who is
dating who. Or what they did to them. All they talk about it stupid
stuff. I am from Illinois and this happens a lot. And i don't try to act
stupid I just try to act nice and not show-offy. I have a lot of friends and
im happy so i dont need to change. I think people are like this
because they are jealous. Nobody wants to hang around someone
who makes you feel bad about yourself right? This subject still bugs
me but its the way it has to be.....
am glad tay say son,thats a burden av never hid tay carry.
people think i'm an idiot so i don't have this problem with most people
Why and how so?
I would describe my reaction as mildly irritated when someone is rude because I’m trying to share my “vast quantities of useless information”.
Which area of world are you?
How common is this there?
I don’t know.
How you change yourself when this happens?
I am more sensitive to this person’s feelings. I don’t use obscure terminology or share my knowledge where there’s no interest and I definitely don’t correct vocabulary or grammar.
Why so?
Because it’s rude to make someone feel uncomfortable for such a pointless reason.
Why are people like this you think?
Most likely they don’t have an insatiable curiosity that drives them to know everything about everything.
How to help them?
They don’t really need my help, but if I still want to share my knowledge I can’t turn them off by being a boring know-it-all.
btw, which area of world are you%26gt;?
and how common is this there?
how you change yourself when this happens?
again, why so?
why are people like this you think?
how to help them?Does it make you more sick or more angry when you feel someone treats you like a BAD person because ur smart?
Yes! Because thay are retards!Does it make you more sick or more angry when you feel someone treats you like a BAD person because ur smart?
it makes me feel sick.
because THEN they are going to make you out to be ';narcisstic'; person next and punish you for this. and you actually begin to play this out around them too.
but maybe it is part imagination but you still do it for some reason. and hate yourself too. for no reason.
mad and 2 many questiong to answer
No. The fact that I work hard in school and get excellent grades to show for it doesn't make me a bad person. I live in New York State (obviously, the U.S.) and I'd say the whole ';hating nerds'; thing is pretty popular.
I dunno. You just gotta ignore it.
Angry :)
it is because you make them feel insecure.
YEAH! I think its funny though when people are like ';OMG how do you know these things do you just read books all day looking for weird things like this!'; and its like... well no, but i watch the news and participate in real life..
Im indifferent in this kind of situation because i know im smarter than that other person. Just pray and we will see.
yea but the hell with them .
Ignore them. They're the BAD ones !!
It makes me sick AND angry.
I try everyday to do everything to please my man and it seems that everything i do is not good enough. He always has something to say on the way I speak, the way I behave and I'm sick of it and makes me so angry that it starts a fight.
I think im going to go on a depression if this don't stop soon.
and I have no clue how to help
No. I don't act like a JERK and flaunt my intelligence. Also if this happens to you a lot, you are a bad person.
I've never had that have to me
No evryone cannot like you for being too smart instead when they do that i know people have noticed my talent and they are angry they dont have it
Define bad, and define the social context, give an example...this is just too open ended. It's like a personal thought or reflection of a personal event that wasn't translated into a accommodating question for everyone. It seems to feed your own needs and personal feelings based on personal's not even a question.
It makes me more embarrassed than anything, because I should be smart enough to tell a dumb person from a crowd. People shut me out because talking to me makes them feel dumb. This happens a lot in Chicago, but there are enough smart people for me to be friends with. I used to pretend I was dumber than I am, but now I've stopped, because I'm now accepted for who I am. People are like this because the don't like to feel stupid. The only way to help them is to teach them to be smart.
I don't know.
Not really sure.
Not very. Smart people are few and far between here. :P
Not at all
Because they're the idiots, so why should I change?
Because they're afraid of the inevitable: Brains conquering brawn.
Overtake the earth and make it illegal for them to reproduce.
Neither. People don't treat smart people bad here in Seattle, WA.
I'm smart, and a couple of kids (Druggies) have called me a nerd once in a while, but it dosent phase me. I look pitifully upon them and say, ';you'll be the janitor of my multi-million dollar companies skyscraper in ten years so WHAT??'; ahaha. Plus i know i have friends so they back me up.
If someone calls me a nerd or geek, i take it as a compliment. I mean hey, they just called me smart, right?
I live in California, OC to be exact.
Hope this helps!!
1.) I actually feel good when people treat me poorly because I am smart. Honestly, if you think about, people who make fun of you for being smart are normally C-D students, so I feel pretty good. Haters make me feel like I have a reason to live.
2.) I live in the USA; Eastern coast.
3.) Our school isn't that bad, honestly.
4.) It helps me, actually. Haha, it sounds dumb, but everytime someone makes fun of me for getting good grades, I do well on the next test, quiz, etc.
5.) n/a
6.) Jealousy, insecurity.
7.) Help them out. In study halls, after school; ask them if they need help on this or that. Maybe you'll end up being friends :)
They actually use or ignore smart which in turn leads to rumors spreading about how you do weird things or disgusting things for that matter which leads to people running away from you or just completely ignoring you. Do you know how hard it is to prove the people wrong after that they spread stuff like that? I mean it sucks which makes me very angry. The only friends i have are the once who don't go to my school or who actually know me because of stuff like that. DON'T TREAT SMART PEOPLE BADLY YOU **********. I mean we deserve some respect, not a lot but some. Just leave us alone or help us.
It makes me angry. I live in Ireland and it's quite common in the earliest stage of secondary school. I don't change myself I just get really angry at them for saying mean stuff and then I mope for a bit. Stupid people are like this you can't help them, they just don't get it there'll always be discrimination against smart people.
well i work hard for my straight As on my report card. some people try to ';use'; me like when we do a project some people want to be my partner, even tho they've treated me like crap the other times. it makes me laugh, because i don't WANT to be their partner. i live in the US. and i really don't care if i get teased or whatever. i'm not one of those people who are like ';i really want to be popular and at whatever chance i get i'll take it';
angry most definitely.
it is simple to see why they do it, but it doesn't excuse them for being completely immature and horrible.
I live In Canada, when this happens I try not to change myself because then I would be a sell out. People are like this because if they don't understand someone or something, the default setting is to treat them badly; it is the easiest. I guess the only way to help them would be to kill them with kindness...
though there isn't much of a chance that you will catch me doing that.
It makes me mad when that happens. It just seems that nobody cares
that you will have a successful future all they care about is who is
dating who. Or what they did to them. All they talk about it stupid
stuff. I am from Illinois and this happens a lot. And i don't try to act
stupid I just try to act nice and not show-offy. I have a lot of friends and
im happy so i dont need to change. I think people are like this
because they are jealous. Nobody wants to hang around someone
who makes you feel bad about yourself right? This subject still bugs
me but its the way it has to be.....
am glad tay say son,thats a burden av never hid tay carry.
people think i'm an idiot so i don't have this problem with most people
Why and how so?
I would describe my reaction as mildly irritated when someone is rude because I’m trying to share my “vast quantities of useless information”.
Which area of world are you?
How common is this there?
I don’t know.
How you change yourself when this happens?
I am more sensitive to this person’s feelings. I don’t use obscure terminology or share my knowledge where there’s no interest and I definitely don’t correct vocabulary or grammar.
Why so?
Because it’s rude to make someone feel uncomfortable for such a pointless reason.
Why are people like this you think?
Most likely they don’t have an insatiable curiosity that drives them to know everything about everything.
How to help them?
They don’t really need my help, but if I still want to share my knowledge I can’t turn them off by being a boring know-it-all.
Why are people so helpful when it comes to relationship advice?
';Just be yourself'; ';Dont change yourself'; ';tell her how you feel'; What if who you are is a rapist who doesnt pay child supportWhy are people so helpful when it comes to relationship advice?
we go by what we know. we give ppl the benefit of the doubt. this is just an advice section, not life or death.Why are people so helpful when it comes to relationship advice?
If your a rapist who doesnt pay child support, your probably not on yahoo answers.
Most of the people on here are, they need to learn that being themselves and not a carbon copy of what they see on MTV is a good thing.
I mean, what if you told a rapist who doesnt pay child support to be themselves? If you didnt say that, would they suddenly stop raping people and start being responsible? I doubt it.
People are generally nice. The media just distorts it by showing all the evil in the world.
Usually people care and that is why they take their time to try to offer good advice to people who ask for it.
If the person is a rapist who doesn't pay child support, I certainly have no good advice. As far as I'm concerned, the person belongs in jail for the rape and refusal to pay child support.
People are helpful because we've all struggled with relationships and we all have questions about them that we don't know the answers to.
And we feel for others, we have no way of knowing if they are a rapist or anything else like that, but we want to offer help to people who are going through what we once have gone through.
I think a big part of it is we still feel sympathy for ourselves when we were in whatever position and we kind of feel like we're helping our previous selves when we help other with the same problem we once had.
Maybe because we've all been in those kinds of situations. It's called empathy you should try it =)
well its advice.
People will help you with what they know (or what they think they know). That's why I'd never give someone advice about cars, I don't know a thing about them. Also, people generally want others to be happy. Why not give that shy boy tips for starting a conversation with the girl he likes?
because only nice people that care will waste thier time answering wuestions like yours. i doubt rapists will go to their computer at night and be like ';ooh lets see what questions i answer in yahoo before i rape a kid'; are you retarted or something
People are helpful with relationship advice because it's a major life experience, and the more you have the more you know. Sharing this info is helpful in some ways to others if they can relate and it can help them understand things better and faster. And preferably avoid mistakes.
As for the rapist part...most anti-social disorders have a cause, most often related to some traumatic childhood experience, lack of parental affection, so on and so forth. So asking such a person to manifest itself naturally should not reveal a rapist, but a scared child in need of love, or support and understanding. ';Don't change yourself'; should refer to staying true to your heart, and not doing what everybody else does ( such as starting to smoke, or cheating, being untruthful, etc), or generally not to pick up attitudes that are not yours. Staying true to one's self is essential. There are no evil/mean people. There are just people who were weak, or overpowered by certain events in their lives, and their deviant side is not who they really are, it's just the consequence of circumstances. Normally they should be fully responsible and not fall into weakness and give in to compulsions generated by trauma, and master themselves. But nowadays society breeds weakness, and wants us to need and seek help, and cause us to depend on many things. And having people depend on you spiritually/mentally/emotionally gives you power over out fashion advice good place to get teens comforters
we go by what we know. we give ppl the benefit of the doubt. this is just an advice section, not life or death.Why are people so helpful when it comes to relationship advice?
If your a rapist who doesnt pay child support, your probably not on yahoo answers.
Most of the people on here are, they need to learn that being themselves and not a carbon copy of what they see on MTV is a good thing.
I mean, what if you told a rapist who doesnt pay child support to be themselves? If you didnt say that, would they suddenly stop raping people and start being responsible? I doubt it.
People are generally nice. The media just distorts it by showing all the evil in the world.
Usually people care and that is why they take their time to try to offer good advice to people who ask for it.
If the person is a rapist who doesn't pay child support, I certainly have no good advice. As far as I'm concerned, the person belongs in jail for the rape and refusal to pay child support.
People are helpful because we've all struggled with relationships and we all have questions about them that we don't know the answers to.
And we feel for others, we have no way of knowing if they are a rapist or anything else like that, but we want to offer help to people who are going through what we once have gone through.
I think a big part of it is we still feel sympathy for ourselves when we were in whatever position and we kind of feel like we're helping our previous selves when we help other with the same problem we once had.
Maybe because we've all been in those kinds of situations. It's called empathy you should try it =)
well its advice.
People will help you with what they know (or what they think they know). That's why I'd never give someone advice about cars, I don't know a thing about them. Also, people generally want others to be happy. Why not give that shy boy tips for starting a conversation with the girl he likes?
because only nice people that care will waste thier time answering wuestions like yours. i doubt rapists will go to their computer at night and be like ';ooh lets see what questions i answer in yahoo before i rape a kid'; are you retarted or something
People are helpful with relationship advice because it's a major life experience, and the more you have the more you know. Sharing this info is helpful in some ways to others if they can relate and it can help them understand things better and faster. And preferably avoid mistakes.
As for the rapist part...most anti-social disorders have a cause, most often related to some traumatic childhood experience, lack of parental affection, so on and so forth. So asking such a person to manifest itself naturally should not reveal a rapist, but a scared child in need of love, or support and understanding. ';Don't change yourself'; should refer to staying true to your heart, and not doing what everybody else does ( such as starting to smoke, or cheating, being untruthful, etc), or generally not to pick up attitudes that are not yours. Staying true to one's self is essential. There are no evil/mean people. There are just people who were weak, or overpowered by certain events in their lives, and their deviant side is not who they really are, it's just the consequence of circumstances. Normally they should be fully responsible and not fall into weakness and give in to compulsions generated by trauma, and master themselves. But nowadays society breeds weakness, and wants us to need and seek help, and cause us to depend on many things. And having people depend on you spiritually/mentally/emotionally gives you power over them.
Self-Hypnosis? Is it dangerous? Does it work? And How?
I heard that with self-hypnosis you can control your subconscious which implies that you can also rid yourself of bad habits, increase your concentration....etc... in other words you can CHANGE yourself.
Is it true? if so, does it have any side-effects? Is there a simple way to do it? and How?Self-Hypnosis? Is it dangerous? Does it work? And How?
it is simple, it is not unlike meditating or using affirmations.
Don't just ask a friend to hypnotize you.
since there is an underlying cause to some bad habits, it is possible that you might inadvertently change one bad habit for another (like going from smoking to drinking.)
so you might consider suggesting to yourself an exchange, such as, ';i will chew gum when i feel the urge to smoke.';Self-Hypnosis? Is it dangerous? Does it work? And How?
Self-hypnosis is the only kind of hypnosis that works. The other phrase for it is ';self-delusion';. You choose what to believe and what not to believe, whether it make sense or not. People who hypnotize themselves into believing that which is harmful to themselves and others are referred to as ';self-deluded fools';. I hope you are not one of those!
go to these sites and read up all the information you can
Self hypnosis isn't dangerous, it is simply inducing a natural state of mind.
Is it true? if so, does it have any side-effects? Is there a simple way to do it? and How?Self-Hypnosis? Is it dangerous? Does it work? And How?
it is simple, it is not unlike meditating or using affirmations.
Don't just ask a friend to hypnotize you.
since there is an underlying cause to some bad habits, it is possible that you might inadvertently change one bad habit for another (like going from smoking to drinking.)
so you might consider suggesting to yourself an exchange, such as, ';i will chew gum when i feel the urge to smoke.';Self-Hypnosis? Is it dangerous? Does it work? And How?
Self-hypnosis is the only kind of hypnosis that works. The other phrase for it is ';self-delusion';. You choose what to believe and what not to believe, whether it make sense or not. People who hypnotize themselves into believing that which is harmful to themselves and others are referred to as ';self-deluded fools';. I hope you are not one of those!
go to these sites and read up all the information you can
Self hypnosis isn't dangerous, it is simply inducing a natural state of mind.
How should a person behave in the other country, if he/she now live there?
For example, you've changed the place of living and your new home is absolutely different, different people, mentality, culture, religion and traditions. And you know that you will live in the other country for several years or maybe even whole your life.
How would you behave yourself in the other country? Would you change yourself or would you keep being yourself? How do you think, all those factors (like religion, culture, different mentality, people) would be able to affect you in a way or no?
Just interesting to know your point of view.
Thank You!How should a person behave in the other country, if he/she now live there?
I would say you would have to adjust to the culture and lifestyle or whatever country you move to in order to feel comfortable. You shouldn't lose your culture, religion, language etc though. You should still have them but add on to it.
Personally I moved from Malaysia to the US. When 1st got here everything was so different. Almost the opposite. There were many things that shocked me as far as lifestyle and beliefs went. I couldn't communicate that well. But after a year or two my english got a lot better, my accent faded. I still hold on to my culture and believes but I did let go of some believes from my culture as I saw how ridiculous and irrational they were.
Yes somedays it sucks coz now I am half american and half malaysian but I think its better than being 100% of something. I know more, learnt more, grew faster, more mature and stronger in a very short period of time.
Do what you think is right for you and will make you happy and your living comfortable and pleasurable in any country. Gotta do what you gotta do is what I say.How should a person behave in the other country, if he/she now live there?
When you're in Rome, you do as the Romans do.
It's best to obey the law of that particuliar land.
It's good to be yourself, but this can get you killed in some places.
Going to a place that forbids your'nt good.
There are some things that are necessary to change such as language, customs, and some culture. Other things you should be true to your own upbringing such as religion and morals.
i think if you are going to live in a country thats not your own you need to at least adapt to that culture instead of thinking people need to adapt to you,you can keep your traditions and religion,but if you speak a different language you need to learn the language where you are relocating to
When in Rome...
you would have to assimilate
How would you behave yourself in the other country? Would you change yourself or would you keep being yourself? How do you think, all those factors (like religion, culture, different mentality, people) would be able to affect you in a way or no?
Just interesting to know your point of view.
Thank You!How should a person behave in the other country, if he/she now live there?
I would say you would have to adjust to the culture and lifestyle or whatever country you move to in order to feel comfortable. You shouldn't lose your culture, religion, language etc though. You should still have them but add on to it.
Personally I moved from Malaysia to the US. When 1st got here everything was so different. Almost the opposite. There were many things that shocked me as far as lifestyle and beliefs went. I couldn't communicate that well. But after a year or two my english got a lot better, my accent faded. I still hold on to my culture and believes but I did let go of some believes from my culture as I saw how ridiculous and irrational they were.
Yes somedays it sucks coz now I am half american and half malaysian but I think its better than being 100% of something. I know more, learnt more, grew faster, more mature and stronger in a very short period of time.
Do what you think is right for you and will make you happy and your living comfortable and pleasurable in any country. Gotta do what you gotta do is what I say.How should a person behave in the other country, if he/she now live there?
When you're in Rome, you do as the Romans do.
It's best to obey the law of that particuliar land.
It's good to be yourself, but this can get you killed in some places.
Going to a place that forbids your'nt good.
There are some things that are necessary to change such as language, customs, and some culture. Other things you should be true to your own upbringing such as religion and morals.
i think if you are going to live in a country thats not your own you need to at least adapt to that culture instead of thinking people need to adapt to you,you can keep your traditions and religion,but if you speak a different language you need to learn the language where you are relocating to
When in Rome...
you would have to assimilate
is there anything u would change about yourself???
oddly.. i not want change my orenation ( if it was a choice)
but ummm i would change...the way i think sometimes.. i can kind of mean.. to people
how about u??Change???????????
I wouldn't mind changing my gender AND my orientation. I would love to be a gay man....Change???????????
I would have been born a man. I wouldn't change anything else. Except to maybe be less shy. I tend to be really quite normally.
I would change my body to match my brain. I am a Male 2 Female Transgender. I haven't got to change my body yet, but I will someday.
i would change my intellect, I would LOVE to be smarter :]
physically, nothing..
i am happy with the way i am..
I Would Stay Gay, But Have Already Come Out, And I Would Like To Weigh A Little Less, Other Than That, I Like Me,
I'd like to change the way i feel I'd like to feel love-able %26amp; accepted just the way i am.
I 'd keep being a gay,woman, but I like to change my birth to have my full hearing. I like to know what it feel like to beable to hear without hearing aids.
my race not that i hate it just not attracted and i think id stay a gay boy
the amount of self confidence that lies within me.
I would be the man I am inside. That means I'm attracted to men. So I'd be a gay man.
As everyone, we all have character flaws we’d like to change. One of the traits I’ve always noticed that I’ve had is my tendency to focus on the negative over the positive about myself -- I most definitely would like to change that.
My eyesight and color, and my weight. I'd love 20/20 green eyes, and to be a healthier weight. :D Being better off financially wouldn't hurt, either.
Practical things for the win.
oddly.. i not want change my orenation ( if it was a choice)
but ummm i would change...the way i think sometimes.. i can kind of mean.. to people
how about u??Change???????????
I wouldn't mind changing my gender AND my orientation. I would love to be a gay man....Change???????????
I would have been born a man. I wouldn't change anything else. Except to maybe be less shy. I tend to be really quite normally.
I would change my body to match my brain. I am a Male 2 Female Transgender. I haven't got to change my body yet, but I will someday.
i would change my intellect, I would LOVE to be smarter :]
physically, nothing..
i am happy with the way i am..
I Would Stay Gay, But Have Already Come Out, And I Would Like To Weigh A Little Less, Other Than That, I Like Me,
I'd like to change the way i feel I'd like to feel love-able %26amp; accepted just the way i am.
I 'd keep being a gay,woman, but I like to change my birth to have my full hearing. I like to know what it feel like to beable to hear without hearing aids.
my race not that i hate it just not attracted and i think id stay a gay boy
the amount of self confidence that lies within me.
I would be the man I am inside. That means I'm attracted to men. So I'd be a gay man.
As everyone, we all have character flaws we’d like to change. One of the traits I’ve always noticed that I’ve had is my tendency to focus on the negative over the positive about myself -- I most definitely would like to change that.
My eyesight and color, and my weight. I'd love 20/20 green eyes, and to be a healthier weight. :D Being better off financially wouldn't hurt, either.
Practical things for the win.
Is being passive a bad thing? Can you really change your personality?
I檓 currently a student training at a hospital. I檓 the type of person who檚 very introvert %26amp; passive, sweet, kind-hearted, etc. ?which I檝e learned to be rather a huge disadvantage in this kind of working environment. Sometimes people would talk crap about me, about how passive I am %26amp; I檓 scared to get involved in this and that, etc. Today I talked to one of my classmates %26amp; she told me that I need to step up %26amp; be tough so I can survive in this field, and also so people could stop messing with me. I檝e come a long way %26amp; I檝e been trying very hard myselfut it檚 always easy said than done, I don檛 want to be passive like thisut at the same time, it can檛 be changed overnight either.
How do you really change yourself in this kind of situation? I檝e talked to this one person %26amp; she told me she used to be real quite %26amp; passive. One day she just got sick of people pushing her around, so she檚 like 180 degrees opposite now. She said she doesn檛 smile much anymore %26amp; now people檚 first impression about her is that she檚 mean %26amp; no one messes with her as much like before anymore?I don檛 know how on earth I can go that far, I can檛 even imagine itut it檚 definitely a plus when needed.Is being passive a bad thing? Can you really change your personality?
Being innately passive and trying to stand up for yourself can stand as two different things. Being passive is what your natural personality is; standing up for yourself is an assertion mechanism. Taking this into consideration, a passive person like you can choose to be tough and still retain the submissiveness within.
Like oil and water, being passive and asserting yourself might not mix, but generally the two can still be put in the same place without ruining either. You don't have to drastically change yourself for your peers; also think on whether you'll be happy staying tough or not.
Why not try asserting your passiveness on your workmates? Bully them around a bit (but not violently) and tell them off about how that's what you really are. Find a way to make fire in the rain. =DIs being passive a bad thing? Can you really change your personality?
Realize that if you don't stand up for yourself you will taken advantage of and dumped on. I think you should realize that there's nothing to fear when standing up for yourself because you are doing it for your own emotional/mental well being. This probably stems from wanting to please others and sometimes if people realize this they will take advantage of you. Soooo....try and overcome that fear one step at a time.
Are you a Libra? hahaha!! Just kidding with you!!!
- Ryan M...that's hilarious. Good for you for standing up though. I've known many male Libra's who don't stand up for themselves...and avoid situations. I respect the fact that you learned to stand up :) Also, I have found that many Libra's are known for being passive but there are also one's who do have a bite to them and don't fear telling it how it is. The more sensitive one's are passive- I think*
Just try it. It can actually be fun sometimes. I used to/am kind of like that and it's nice to be assertive every once in a while. For one thing it will surprise those people who have been talking about you behind your back, and will have them tripping over their own words to figure out what's going on.
Changing overnight is hard, but you don't have to change overnight. Just try to be more assertive here and there and people will notice.
Sounds like your friend got sick of people taking advantage of her personality, so she decided she wouldn't give them the opportunity anymore, good for her. (Although you don't have to stop smiling :) even though it can be effective haha.)
So just try being a little assertive for once and don't go overboard, no one wants to become a jerk.
And hey nature, I am a libra, are we all supposed to be like that lol.
How do you really change yourself in this kind of situation? I檝e talked to this one person %26amp; she told me she used to be real quite %26amp; passive. One day she just got sick of people pushing her around, so she檚 like 180 degrees opposite now. She said she doesn檛 smile much anymore %26amp; now people檚 first impression about her is that she檚 mean %26amp; no one messes with her as much like before anymore?I don檛 know how on earth I can go that far, I can檛 even imagine itut it檚 definitely a plus when needed.Is being passive a bad thing? Can you really change your personality?
Being innately passive and trying to stand up for yourself can stand as two different things. Being passive is what your natural personality is; standing up for yourself is an assertion mechanism. Taking this into consideration, a passive person like you can choose to be tough and still retain the submissiveness within.
Like oil and water, being passive and asserting yourself might not mix, but generally the two can still be put in the same place without ruining either. You don't have to drastically change yourself for your peers; also think on whether you'll be happy staying tough or not.
Why not try asserting your passiveness on your workmates? Bully them around a bit (but not violently) and tell them off about how that's what you really are. Find a way to make fire in the rain. =DIs being passive a bad thing? Can you really change your personality?
Realize that if you don't stand up for yourself you will taken advantage of and dumped on. I think you should realize that there's nothing to fear when standing up for yourself because you are doing it for your own emotional/mental well being. This probably stems from wanting to please others and sometimes if people realize this they will take advantage of you. Soooo....try and overcome that fear one step at a time.
Are you a Libra? hahaha!! Just kidding with you!!!
- Ryan M...that's hilarious. Good for you for standing up though. I've known many male Libra's who don't stand up for themselves...and avoid situations. I respect the fact that you learned to stand up :) Also, I have found that many Libra's are known for being passive but there are also one's who do have a bite to them and don't fear telling it how it is. The more sensitive one's are passive- I think*
Just try it. It can actually be fun sometimes. I used to/am kind of like that and it's nice to be assertive every once in a while. For one thing it will surprise those people who have been talking about you behind your back, and will have them tripping over their own words to figure out what's going on.
Changing overnight is hard, but you don't have to change overnight. Just try to be more assertive here and there and people will notice.
Sounds like your friend got sick of people taking advantage of her personality, so she decided she wouldn't give them the opportunity anymore, good for her. (Although you don't have to stop smiling :) even though it can be effective haha.)
So just try being a little assertive for once and don't go overboard, no one wants to become a jerk.
And hey nature, I am a libra, are we all supposed to be like that lol.
My friend is trying to change her appearance for a boy. What should I do?
She really LOVES this boy. And she wants to be anorexic! Plus she wants to bleach her hair and wear contacts! (I wear contacts, but they're for being able to see) AND she is going to get plastic surgery! We're just 13! Why does she wants to do all these silly stuff for some boy that's rude and me?! I keep telling her each day STOP TRYING TO CHANGE YOURSELF! But she just won't listen! I don't want to mean. How am I supposed to tell her to stop? She'll probably won't listen.. =/ Can someone please help? I'm talking to her right now.My friend is trying to change her appearance for a boy. What should I do?
Talk to her parents or some one that she looks up to. Just remember she is 13 and this will most likely end in heart break so make sure your there for her.My friend is trying to change her appearance for a boy. What should I do?
Your friend is an idiot and if you're not going to tell her, somebody needs to. Let her do what she wants. Just tell her not to come crying to you when things go wrong. Let her know how you feel about the situation and once you did your job is done. It's her choice to decide if she's going to listen to you or not.
Sounds like she's kind of lost her mind over this boy, huh? I don't know if you talking to her will do any good. Maybe someone should talk to her parents. I know she can't have surgery without her parents' consent. Surely they see what's going on and won't let her do all that? Who WANTS to be anorexic? That's crazy!
Just let her know how beautiful she is without trying to change. Tell her that even though she loves this boy, changing her body %26amp; appearance isn't worth it. (I don't know if they are dating or not) If they are, tell her that he loved her before the changes, so why would she want to risk losing him by changing herself? If they aren't dating %26amp; he doesn't like her, tell her that changing her appearance won't help the situation at all, it will only end up hurting her, %26amp; that if he doesn't like her the way she is then he doesn't deserve someone like her anyways.
Goodluck, I really hope she listens to you. ):Bedding Set hair styling
Talk to her parents or some one that she looks up to. Just remember she is 13 and this will most likely end in heart break so make sure your there for her.My friend is trying to change her appearance for a boy. What should I do?
Your friend is an idiot and if you're not going to tell her, somebody needs to. Let her do what she wants. Just tell her not to come crying to you when things go wrong. Let her know how you feel about the situation and once you did your job is done. It's her choice to decide if she's going to listen to you or not.
Sounds like she's kind of lost her mind over this boy, huh? I don't know if you talking to her will do any good. Maybe someone should talk to her parents. I know she can't have surgery without her parents' consent. Surely they see what's going on and won't let her do all that? Who WANTS to be anorexic? That's crazy!
Just let her know how beautiful she is without trying to change. Tell her that even though she loves this boy, changing her body %26amp; appearance isn't worth it. (I don't know if they are dating or not) If they are, tell her that he loved her before the changes, so why would she want to risk losing him by changing herself? If they aren't dating %26amp; he doesn't like her, tell her that changing her appearance won't help the situation at all, it will only end up hurting her, %26amp; that if he doesn't like her the way she is then he doesn't deserve someone like her anyways.
Goodluck, I really hope she listens to you. ):
Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
I like the way I look, but I feel like my personality doesn't match my looks. I hate how inelegant and unclassy I am/act. Also, I often make dumb comments, and act too immature for my liking. (I'm 20)
Now I know a girl who is very classy, def not perfect, but I look up to her just cause of the way she acts.
Well, lately I've been trying to be more like her. In situations when I almost wanna say/do something ';dumb';, I remind myself of how that other girl would never say/do that, and act like she would have.
Is that the way to go? I know there is nothing wrong with wanting to change yourself, but I just wanna know is this the right way to do it?
Any advice for me?Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
I've always liked this saying: you learn from the best and make it your own.Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
Be your self by liking yourself first, trying to be something your not is unnatural and confusing, find yourself and go with that. people will accept you for who you are no matter how lame you may think you are. Just be yourself, the key to perfection in life is to be happy and the only way to truly be happy is to love yourself for who you are, and not what you or others may project you to be, The rest will follow , success in; love, friends, ect,ect, ect
Now I know a girl who is very classy, def not perfect, but I look up to her just cause of the way she acts.
Well, lately I've been trying to be more like her. In situations when I almost wanna say/do something ';dumb';, I remind myself of how that other girl would never say/do that, and act like she would have.
Is that the way to go? I know there is nothing wrong with wanting to change yourself, but I just wanna know is this the right way to do it?
Any advice for me?Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
I've always liked this saying: you learn from the best and make it your own.Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
Be your self by liking yourself first, trying to be something your not is unnatural and confusing, find yourself and go with that. people will accept you for who you are no matter how lame you may think you are. Just be yourself, the key to perfection in life is to be happy and the only way to truly be happy is to love yourself for who you are, and not what you or others may project you to be, The rest will follow , success in; love, friends, ect,ect, ect
Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
I like the way I look, but I feel like my personality doesn't match my looks. I hate how inelegant and unclassy I am/act. Also, I often make dumb comments, and act too immature for my liking. (I'm 20)
Now I know a girl who is very classy, def not perfect, but I look up to her just cause of the way she acts.
Well, lately I've been trying to be more like her. In situations when I almost wanna say/do something ';dumb';, I remind myself of how that other girl would never say/do that, and act like she would have.
Is that the way to go? I know there is nothing wrong with wanting to change yourself, but I just wanna know is this the right way to do it?
Any advice for me?Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
The best advice to give to ANYONE is to BE YOURSELF!
People spend too much time worrying about what other people think about themselves. No matter what you do in life, you are the one who has to live with yourself. Trust me I am sure you are not the only 20 year old making dumb comments or doing things you feel are immature. Look at celebrities a lot of them aren't exactly the brightest bulbs on the planet. So the way to go is to be you and not try to be anyone else, but you. Incase nobody eve told you, it's okay to make mistakes it's all apart of learning and growing. You will grow up when you are good and ready, in the meantime enjoy yourself.Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
it's good that you're finally (at 20) realizing that you're immature...
i think that if you do wanna change yourself, and by looking up to her is helping, it's totally ok. i'm all for changing self-image and personality. i think you should just keep thinking that, it's not fake, because if you wanna be like her, it's what YOU want, not what you think OTHERS want. :))
It's always good to look up to someone. Maybe one day you will turn out to be her!
Kaitlyn M%26lt;3
That completely fine, its not changing yourself, because your true self is someone who wants to change.
I dont know why people say you cant change who you are, of course you can!
I think if you continue in what your doing it will turn out fine, just think a bit more before acting. :)
Good luck!
I used to be so immature, too.
I still am but just not as much. I am about 50% what I was 2 years ago.
I invested time in researching and found DVD's that helped me become a man, and it has worked wonders. Now when I want to say something stupid, I remember the guy's name in my head saying, ';No, don't say that. Just be quiet.'; It has worked a bit.
It's good to learn. If you think about it, we learn a lot from other people. In this care, you're learning how to be more mature by watching someone else. I say if it helps, then do it, just don't stop being yourself sometimes.
haha you're kinda like me except i'm 15.
the best thing to do is look before you leap.
Well just be yourself, dont do what she would, you are your own person!
I think you should be who you are. I tried to be who everyone else thought I should be for years. Now, I resent everyone for trying make me change. You are your own person. I am 27, I am silly, funny, and pretty goofy most of the time. But I am a grown women, mom, wife, and I am responsible at the same time. There is nothing wrong with being a kid a heart. If you truley think you should change than fine, but if you are happy and confortable with yourself then stay just the way you are.
Because of how you described this other person, I don't see anything wrong with what you are doing. I see it more as you are using it as an opportunity to improve more so than being fake. We can all benefit by doing that. If this friend of yours bites the head off chickens or something, I would discourage it but by what you describe she is a positive role model. Sometimes when we don't feel as if we have great biological role models, we will find them elsewhere. I think it's great to recognize the need for improvement in ourselves. Not everyone realizes their are always improvements to be made.
No - it's not being fake to understanding you need to mature.
Don't model yourself after anyone, but do examine what you respect about them. Then when you're in a situation that gives you a choice of doing something silly or classy - make an informed choice. Sometimes the classy thing isn't who you are. Sometimes the moment calls for a little more fun than that.
Now I know a girl who is very classy, def not perfect, but I look up to her just cause of the way she acts.
Well, lately I've been trying to be more like her. In situations when I almost wanna say/do something ';dumb';, I remind myself of how that other girl would never say/do that, and act like she would have.
Is that the way to go? I know there is nothing wrong with wanting to change yourself, but I just wanna know is this the right way to do it?
Any advice for me?Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
The best advice to give to ANYONE is to BE YOURSELF!
People spend too much time worrying about what other people think about themselves. No matter what you do in life, you are the one who has to live with yourself. Trust me I am sure you are not the only 20 year old making dumb comments or doing things you feel are immature. Look at celebrities a lot of them aren't exactly the brightest bulbs on the planet. So the way to go is to be you and not try to be anyone else, but you. Incase nobody eve told you, it's okay to make mistakes it's all apart of learning and growing. You will grow up when you are good and ready, in the meantime enjoy yourself.Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
it's good that you're finally (at 20) realizing that you're immature...
i think that if you do wanna change yourself, and by looking up to her is helping, it's totally ok. i'm all for changing self-image and personality. i think you should just keep thinking that, it's not fake, because if you wanna be like her, it's what YOU want, not what you think OTHERS want. :))
It's always good to look up to someone. Maybe one day you will turn out to be her!
Kaitlyn M%26lt;3
That completely fine, its not changing yourself, because your true self is someone who wants to change.
I dont know why people say you cant change who you are, of course you can!
I think if you continue in what your doing it will turn out fine, just think a bit more before acting. :)
Good luck!
I used to be so immature, too.
I still am but just not as much. I am about 50% what I was 2 years ago.
I invested time in researching and found DVD's that helped me become a man, and it has worked wonders. Now when I want to say something stupid, I remember the guy's name in my head saying, ';No, don't say that. Just be quiet.'; It has worked a bit.
It's good to learn. If you think about it, we learn a lot from other people. In this care, you're learning how to be more mature by watching someone else. I say if it helps, then do it, just don't stop being yourself sometimes.
haha you're kinda like me except i'm 15.
the best thing to do is look before you leap.
Well just be yourself, dont do what she would, you are your own person!
I think you should be who you are. I tried to be who everyone else thought I should be for years. Now, I resent everyone for trying make me change. You are your own person. I am 27, I am silly, funny, and pretty goofy most of the time. But I am a grown women, mom, wife, and I am responsible at the same time. There is nothing wrong with being a kid a heart. If you truley think you should change than fine, but if you are happy and confortable with yourself then stay just the way you are.
Because of how you described this other person, I don't see anything wrong with what you are doing. I see it more as you are using it as an opportunity to improve more so than being fake. We can all benefit by doing that. If this friend of yours bites the head off chickens or something, I would discourage it but by what you describe she is a positive role model. Sometimes when we don't feel as if we have great biological role models, we will find them elsewhere. I think it's great to recognize the need for improvement in ourselves. Not everyone realizes their are always improvements to be made.
No - it's not being fake to understanding you need to mature.
Don't model yourself after anyone, but do examine what you respect about them. Then when you're in a situation that gives you a choice of doing something silly or classy - make an informed choice. Sometimes the classy thing isn't who you are. Sometimes the moment calls for a little more fun than that.
Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
I like the way I look, but I feel like my personality doesn't match my looks. I hate how inelegant and unclassy I am/act. Also, I often make dumb comments, and act too immature for my liking. (I'm 20)
Now I know a girl who is very classy, def not perfect, but I look up to her just cause of the way she acts.
Well, lately I've been trying to be more like her. In situations when I almost wanna say/do something ';dumb';, I remind myself of how that other girl would never say/do that, and act like she would have.
Is that the way to go? I know there is nothing wrong with wanting to change yourself, but I just wanna know is this the right way to do it?
Any advice for me?Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
I think its alright to take certain aspects of people and better yourself with them. This doesn't make you fake at all, but make sure your not trying to turn into her, if people are friends with you its because of the qualities you already have and being immature and unclassy may be some of those things that make you, you.
Now I know a girl who is very classy, def not perfect, but I look up to her just cause of the way she acts.
Well, lately I've been trying to be more like her. In situations when I almost wanna say/do something ';dumb';, I remind myself of how that other girl would never say/do that, and act like she would have.
Is that the way to go? I know there is nothing wrong with wanting to change yourself, but I just wanna know is this the right way to do it?
Any advice for me?Am I FAKE? I wanna change myself, but...?
I think its alright to take certain aspects of people and better yourself with them. This doesn't make you fake at all, but make sure your not trying to turn into her, if people are friends with you its because of the qualities you already have and being immature and unclassy may be some of those things that make you, you.
How do you change who you are? I'm a christian..........?
I'm supposed to be a christian, yet I hate who I am ( I always seem to do wrong). I'm saying I want to be a better christian. How do you really change yourself? To become who you should be, who I really want to be?How do you change who you are? I'm a christian..........?
Being a christian does not define the whole you... that is a belief system.
Do good things... just because ..not to gain acceptance or recognition....How do you change who you are? I'm a christian..........?
Read article on site below and learn about yourself and how to improve yourself.
honestly, i feel for you... because i've struggled myself and still do and always will as long as i reside in this body. i loved God but i was still harboring sin that i knew must be dealt with.
the only remedy for this is for you to completely depend on the Lord. just as moses lifted up his rod in the desert, so you should lift up your hands to God in prayer.
Walk in the Spirit and you will NOT fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
“It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Phil 2:13). But “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (Rom 12:2). “Yet you do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2).
So ask God to work in your heart. Trust that He will. And in the meantime, demonstrate that you trust in Him by resisting what the world wants to feed you, but feeding yourself with the Word of God who will renew your mind and transform you. Remember that God loves you regardless, broken and all. He loves you very much.
You can change your views on the world by reading. Why do you want to be a ';better'; Christian? Many atheists I know are more christian in their treatment of other people than a lot of so-called Christians. Read ';Letter to Christian Nation'; by Sam Harris; ';The God Delusion'; by Richard Dawkins; and ';God is not Great'; by ';Christopher Hitchens';. All three books will make you think and question your faith. If your faith is strong, you will learn a lot from the three books and remain Christian. On the other hand, the books might persuade you towards atheism. Don't let that scare you, all three books are worth reading. Christianity would be a better religion if all the biblical tub-thumpers read the books - but they are too scared to do so.
Realize that no matter what you do, you will never be good in God's eyes. The only way to be good in God's eyes is to put on the merits of Jesus.
Jesus was treated as we deserve, so that we can be treated as He deserves. Approach God after seriously thinking about this statement. Accept it with everything you have available to you. Ask God.... not because you are righteous, but because Jesus is righteous and you accept his gift, to help make you a better person.
Nothing we do will make us Good in God's eyes. Only Jesus can make us worthy. The only reason we try to be good is because we love Jesus and want to do His will. Put on Jesus every day. Ask Him to lead you in the path He wants you to follow. He will.
the fact that you are concerned about the way you act and who you are shows me the Holy Spirit is at work and you will come out of this on the good or God side ....God bless you and i will be praying for you .
remember can tune a piano .....but you can't tuna
say you should find a devotional day by day and a bible that you can schedule yourself to read and make a habit of reading the bible and ask God the tough question and some direction and any additional help.
christian is a relationship with God to be develop not just attending church alone but day by day moment by moment experiencing Him listen to what He may reveal you thru your read of the bible
All of us are human. Peter said I do what I don't want to and don't do what I want. God can help us change the closer you get to Him the closer you will become like Him. Start your day in the Bible and prayer. Ask for help and guidance each morning. End the day in the Bible as it will help to refocus you on Christ. The world wants to program you it's way but with God's help you can focus on Him and He will guide you path.
You should become an Atheist.
You could do whatever you wanted with the guilt of thinking there's some 'god' you should be pleasing.
Where do I start? (I am almost 50).
1. Growth = change.
2.Distinguish between bible and scripture. (They are not the same currently in USA usually).
3. God's rule to man (Jews and Christians; and the Muslims have the principle also; '2 or more witnesses (Jews Deut. 10-19, Christians Matt. 18:16, 2 Cor. 13:1) (Often 1 witness can be man; self (opinion not fact)).
Does it require some 'discipline'? Sure it does.
Do these concepts get you started?
First, recognize the negative influence in your life as the work of Satan and his demons who have been cast down to the earth and have made your destruction their goal. Next, fight hard against your natural inclination to do bad by turning away when you are tempted. Read your Bible daily and pray for God's help and direction to follow his will in a way he would approve of. May God bless all your efforts to do these things. Remember, Jesus NEVER said it would be easy--just that it would be well worth the effort!!
You are going to have to stop going by your feelings. They are false. God formed you with his own hands in your mother's womb. He created you for his own pleasure. He has a particular purpose for your life for his own use. Not one sparrow dies without your heavenly father seeing and noting it. You are of much greater value than a zillion sparrows. All the hairs of your head are counted and numbered. God created the whole host of the stars that are numberless to our scientists. But God says he has numbered each one and has given each one a name. He says not one of those stars are forgotten by him. So he says, how can you say you are forgotten by him? The poor psalmist says, I am poor and needy but your eyes Lord are upon me.
Read the Bible daily. Pray and pour out your heart to the Lord daily. Walk with the Lord. If you sin and stumble like we all do, then confess it and move on. Read 1John 1:7-- 2:2
Jesus saved you when you were rotten, like the rest of us. Now that you have received the Lord Jesus Christ, how much more will he work with you to change you. Now don't get impatient. It is a process. Keep walking with the Lord. The apostles were used by Jesus but they were far from perfect. The Lord has imputed his very own righteousness to you. We are saved by grace. It is a gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. Start reading in the Book of John and keep going daily, even if it is only five minutes a day. God loves you and sacrificed his Son for you. Keep that in mind, and think it not strange the trials the Lord will allow to perfect you. He loves us too much to leave us the way we are. 1 John 5:13 says, ';These things I have written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life...'; Do you believe God? Do you believe? Yes. Then the promise of God says you have eternal life. This is true no matter what mood you are in. Believe = eternal life. Now go walk with God, dear one.
Submit yourself to Jesus Christ and He will change you.
Being a christian does not define the whole you... that is a belief system.
Do good things... just because ..not to gain acceptance or recognition....How do you change who you are? I'm a christian..........?
Read article on site below and learn about yourself and how to improve yourself.
honestly, i feel for you... because i've struggled myself and still do and always will as long as i reside in this body. i loved God but i was still harboring sin that i knew must be dealt with.
the only remedy for this is for you to completely depend on the Lord. just as moses lifted up his rod in the desert, so you should lift up your hands to God in prayer.
Walk in the Spirit and you will NOT fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
“It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Phil 2:13). But “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” (Rom 12:2). “Yet you do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2).
So ask God to work in your heart. Trust that He will. And in the meantime, demonstrate that you trust in Him by resisting what the world wants to feed you, but feeding yourself with the Word of God who will renew your mind and transform you. Remember that God loves you regardless, broken and all. He loves you very much.
You can change your views on the world by reading. Why do you want to be a ';better'; Christian? Many atheists I know are more christian in their treatment of other people than a lot of so-called Christians. Read ';Letter to Christian Nation'; by Sam Harris; ';The God Delusion'; by Richard Dawkins; and ';God is not Great'; by ';Christopher Hitchens';. All three books will make you think and question your faith. If your faith is strong, you will learn a lot from the three books and remain Christian. On the other hand, the books might persuade you towards atheism. Don't let that scare you, all three books are worth reading. Christianity would be a better religion if all the biblical tub-thumpers read the books - but they are too scared to do so.
Realize that no matter what you do, you will never be good in God's eyes. The only way to be good in God's eyes is to put on the merits of Jesus.
Jesus was treated as we deserve, so that we can be treated as He deserves. Approach God after seriously thinking about this statement. Accept it with everything you have available to you. Ask God.... not because you are righteous, but because Jesus is righteous and you accept his gift, to help make you a better person.
Nothing we do will make us Good in God's eyes. Only Jesus can make us worthy. The only reason we try to be good is because we love Jesus and want to do His will. Put on Jesus every day. Ask Him to lead you in the path He wants you to follow. He will.
the fact that you are concerned about the way you act and who you are shows me the Holy Spirit is at work and you will come out of this on the good or God side ....God bless you and i will be praying for you .
remember can tune a piano .....but you can't tuna
say you should find a devotional day by day and a bible that you can schedule yourself to read and make a habit of reading the bible and ask God the tough question and some direction and any additional help.
christian is a relationship with God to be develop not just attending church alone but day by day moment by moment experiencing Him listen to what He may reveal you thru your read of the bible
All of us are human. Peter said I do what I don't want to and don't do what I want. God can help us change the closer you get to Him the closer you will become like Him. Start your day in the Bible and prayer. Ask for help and guidance each morning. End the day in the Bible as it will help to refocus you on Christ. The world wants to program you it's way but with God's help you can focus on Him and He will guide you path.
You should become an Atheist.
You could do whatever you wanted with the guilt of thinking there's some 'god' you should be pleasing.
Where do I start? (I am almost 50).
1. Growth = change.
2.Distinguish between bible and scripture. (They are not the same currently in USA usually).
3. God's rule to man (Jews and Christians; and the Muslims have the principle also; '2 or more witnesses (Jews Deut. 10-19, Christians Matt. 18:16, 2 Cor. 13:1) (Often 1 witness can be man; self (opinion not fact)).
Does it require some 'discipline'? Sure it does.
Do these concepts get you started?
First, recognize the negative influence in your life as the work of Satan and his demons who have been cast down to the earth and have made your destruction their goal. Next, fight hard against your natural inclination to do bad by turning away when you are tempted. Read your Bible daily and pray for God's help and direction to follow his will in a way he would approve of. May God bless all your efforts to do these things. Remember, Jesus NEVER said it would be easy--just that it would be well worth the effort!!
You are going to have to stop going by your feelings. They are false. God formed you with his own hands in your mother's womb. He created you for his own pleasure. He has a particular purpose for your life for his own use. Not one sparrow dies without your heavenly father seeing and noting it. You are of much greater value than a zillion sparrows. All the hairs of your head are counted and numbered. God created the whole host of the stars that are numberless to our scientists. But God says he has numbered each one and has given each one a name. He says not one of those stars are forgotten by him. So he says, how can you say you are forgotten by him? The poor psalmist says, I am poor and needy but your eyes Lord are upon me.
Read the Bible daily. Pray and pour out your heart to the Lord daily. Walk with the Lord. If you sin and stumble like we all do, then confess it and move on. Read 1John 1:7-- 2:2
Jesus saved you when you were rotten, like the rest of us. Now that you have received the Lord Jesus Christ, how much more will he work with you to change you. Now don't get impatient. It is a process. Keep walking with the Lord. The apostles were used by Jesus but they were far from perfect. The Lord has imputed his very own righteousness to you. We are saved by grace. It is a gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. Start reading in the Book of John and keep going daily, even if it is only five minutes a day. God loves you and sacrificed his Son for you. Keep that in mind, and think it not strange the trials the Lord will allow to perfect you. He loves us too much to leave us the way we are. 1 John 5:13 says, ';These things I have written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life...'; Do you believe God? Do you believe? Yes. Then the promise of God says you have eternal life. This is true no matter what mood you are in. Believe = eternal life. Now go walk with God, dear one.
Submit yourself to Jesus Christ and He will change you.
Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
A friend of mine that I really like was complaining about how she can't get a guy, and guys don't think she's pretty, or they just use her, etc. I told her I was there for her if she wanted a nice guy, but I know she doesn't like me and I acknowledged that nice guys typically aren't what girls are looking for. Later I asked her why that is and got the usual answers, they like the challenge, want to change them, etc. So I asked her if that meant that I should be like that and right away she says ';NOOOOO you're nice, don't change yourself.'; I don't get it though. Every girl that tells me I'm nice like it's a good thing would never date me, but then they tell me not to change. Why do they say that? Do they not want me to be happy or something? I'm not good enough for them the way I am, but they tell me not to change. Why? And not to be conceited, but I'm not ugly or anything if you thought that had something to do with it. I'm in college if that helpsWhy do girls tell nice guys not to change?
Usually girls go for the gangster douche bag, which I personally hate. They probably think of you as a really good friend and a nice person, so if you changed yourself for a girl they would hate it. Eventually all the girls go for the nice and sweet guy so your time will come :)
And stay the way you are! I think you sound like a pretty cool guy.Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
You are in the friend zone brother :-)
Girls dont date guys they've put in the friend zone.
Usually the ';nice guy'; is like friend status for some girls, and girls never want them to change. But, nice guys are always good, so the right girl WILL come along, and you really shouldn't change yourself, not all girls like the ';bad boys';
they say that because they do not want to hurt you. or they dont find themselves good enough to date you. feel free to IM me if you want to chathair straightening if you wonthelottery
Usually girls go for the gangster douche bag, which I personally hate. They probably think of you as a really good friend and a nice person, so if you changed yourself for a girl they would hate it. Eventually all the girls go for the nice and sweet guy so your time will come :)
And stay the way you are! I think you sound like a pretty cool guy.Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
You are in the friend zone brother :-)
Girls dont date guys they've put in the friend zone.
Usually the ';nice guy'; is like friend status for some girls, and girls never want them to change. But, nice guys are always good, so the right girl WILL come along, and you really shouldn't change yourself, not all girls like the ';bad boys';
they say that because they do not want to hurt you. or they dont find themselves good enough to date you. feel free to IM me if you want to chat
Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
A friend of mine that I really like was complaining about how she can't get a guy, and guys don't think she's pretty, or they just use her, etc. I told her I was there for her if she wanted a nice guy, but I know she doesn't like me and I acknowledged that nice guys typically aren't what girls are looking for. Later I asked her why that is and got the usual answers, they like the challenge, want to change them, etc. So I asked her if that meant that I should be like that and right away she says ';NOOOOO you're nice, don't change yourself.'; I don't get it though. Every girl that tells me I'm nice like it's a good thing would never date me, but then they tell me not to change. Why do they say that? Do they not want me to be happy or something? I'm not good enough for them the way I am, but they tell me not to change. Why? And not to be conceited, but I'm not ugly or anything if you thought that had something to do with it. I'm in college if that helpsWhy do girls tell nice guys not to change?
People can't usually put a finger on what makes them attracted to someone else. I don't think that your niceness has to do with her not being attracted to you, since your niceness is definitely a positive point. She probably honestly does not want you to change yourself, and wants to be a friend, but just doesn't want a romantic relationship now.
And just because she doesn't have romantic feelings for you doesn't mean that other girls won't. It's just a generalization that girls don't like nice guys. It's a really illogical generalization and I don't think it's true. You're a nice guy and she's a good friend, so don't change that.Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
Girls need the nice guys as a shoulder to cry on when the bad boy rips their heart out. You help make them feel better so they can find another jerk. Rinse and repeat. Ask your friend about this. She will confirm it. Maybe not willingly, at first, but she will admit it is true.
People can't usually put a finger on what makes them attracted to someone else. I don't think that your niceness has to do with her not being attracted to you, since your niceness is definitely a positive point. She probably honestly does not want you to change yourself, and wants to be a friend, but just doesn't want a romantic relationship now.
And just because she doesn't have romantic feelings for you doesn't mean that other girls won't. It's just a generalization that girls don't like nice guys. It's a really illogical generalization and I don't think it's true. You're a nice guy and she's a good friend, so don't change that.Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
Girls need the nice guys as a shoulder to cry on when the bad boy rips their heart out. You help make them feel better so they can find another jerk. Rinse and repeat. Ask your friend about this. She will confirm it. Maybe not willingly, at first, but she will admit it is true.
Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
A friend of mine that I really like was complaining about how she can't get a guy, and guys don't think she's pretty, or they just use her, etc. I told her I was there for her if she wanted a nice guy, but I know she doesn't like me and I acknowledged that nice guys typically aren't what girls are looking for. Later I asked her why that is and got the usual answers, they like the challenge, want to change them, etc. So I asked her if that meant that I should be like that and right away she says ';NOOOOO you're nice, don't change yourself.'; I don't get it though. Every girl that tells me I'm nice like it's a good thing would never date me, but then they tell me not to change. Why do they say that? Do they not want me to be happy or something? I'm not good enough for them the way I am, but they tell me not to change. Why?Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
You obviously treat a woman how they need to be treated; They don't realize it.
Women often go for the bad guys...hoping for a change..
Not all the time that happens.
When she said don't change that's for you to be happy and find the one.
Its not that your not good enough for them..
Its that their not good enough for you.Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
it is odd
answer my question?鈥?/a>
you need to treat women like trash. thats what i do and they flock all over me. many angry women will thumbs down me. but they know it and i know it, that that's exactly what theyre attracted to. not some desperate nice guy without a backbone. so yes, you gotta change yourself or youre gonna be miserable
its because you're a great friend to them. they think of you as a friend, and they don't want you to turn into a mean person.
girls don't know what they want.
but girls who go for ';bad boys'; with this dream to ';change'; them is just denying the fact that they don't believe they're good enough for a nice guy when truth is, no one is too good/not good enough for anyone else.
Some girls like a bit challenge at first, but after they get into a relationship with a guy the guy has to be nice. Maybe you just seem to be too nice... I dont know... I think you should be kinda hard to get...once you start a relationship with a girl she will appreciate you and who you are... personally, I like nice guys. I don't like chasing guys that act too hard to get, i like the nice and low profile guys!!! but thats just me... :)
exactly,your only the friend type..sorry bruh but your a girls *****..toughen out..let them knoe you can take control and your not jus some push over
That's because your friend see's you as a friend (for now). You should tell her how you feel. And I don't think that's true how girls likes guys who are mean and challenge. The reason why your friend is like that is because she seems to meet the wrong kind of guys. The guys that would use her and are mean to her. I think your friend is missing out on a great opportunity, which is you. I think you should take her out to dinner or watch a movie. Show her how much you care and yes don't change. There are nice guys out there too =) Good luck!
';Do they not want me to be happy or something?'; ... lol, maybe
Remember ';Deep Thoughts'; with Jack Handey on SNL? Nice guys need to stick around just so girls have something to measure their bad boys against.
they tell nice guys to never change because MOST guys are jerks and it's only every once in a while that they find a nice one.
humm? i would love to go out with a nice guy... well anyway my current motto is do what you want. so if you want to try out being a bad boy or doing things you normally wouldn't go for it. i see no harm in changing just as long as your having fun and enjoying yourself. i used to be uncomfortably shy so i decided to change and i did and now i'm having more fun meeting new people going out more. changing opens your mind to see things in a different way. best of luck.. (don't worry about what people think of you, you are to LIVE and learn)
Cause it's alright being nice. We need more of these ppl in the world. Now I've never been in a relationship before, but when I tell my friends I've never been in a realtionship they say you will as oppose to what a loser, like my drunk monkey is telling me. So don't change unless that is not ur true self and u will find da girl. Also do more activities. When I'm here at home all I think about r girls. But now I'm gonna take go out on fridays and have the best time that I can!
when girls are through being treated like crap what they need a nice guy. if all nice guys changed to bad boys then there'd be no hope for hapiness in a relationship. however don't wait for a girl who's been ';used up'; by bad boys. some girls only like nice guys.
You obviously treat a woman how they need to be treated; They don't realize it.
Women often go for the bad guys...hoping for a change..
Not all the time that happens.
When she said don't change that's for you to be happy and find the one.
Its not that your not good enough for them..
Its that their not good enough for you.Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
it is odd
answer my question?鈥?/a>
you need to treat women like trash. thats what i do and they flock all over me. many angry women will thumbs down me. but they know it and i know it, that that's exactly what theyre attracted to. not some desperate nice guy without a backbone. so yes, you gotta change yourself or youre gonna be miserable
its because you're a great friend to them. they think of you as a friend, and they don't want you to turn into a mean person.
girls don't know what they want.
but girls who go for ';bad boys'; with this dream to ';change'; them is just denying the fact that they don't believe they're good enough for a nice guy when truth is, no one is too good/not good enough for anyone else.
Some girls like a bit challenge at first, but after they get into a relationship with a guy the guy has to be nice. Maybe you just seem to be too nice... I dont know... I think you should be kinda hard to get...once you start a relationship with a girl she will appreciate you and who you are... personally, I like nice guys. I don't like chasing guys that act too hard to get, i like the nice and low profile guys!!! but thats just me... :)
exactly,your only the friend type..sorry bruh but your a girls *****..toughen out..let them knoe you can take control and your not jus some push over
That's because your friend see's you as a friend (for now). You should tell her how you feel. And I don't think that's true how girls likes guys who are mean and challenge. The reason why your friend is like that is because she seems to meet the wrong kind of guys. The guys that would use her and are mean to her. I think your friend is missing out on a great opportunity, which is you. I think you should take her out to dinner or watch a movie. Show her how much you care and yes don't change. There are nice guys out there too =) Good luck!
';Do they not want me to be happy or something?'; ... lol, maybe
Remember ';Deep Thoughts'; with Jack Handey on SNL? Nice guys need to stick around just so girls have something to measure their bad boys against.
they tell nice guys to never change because MOST guys are jerks and it's only every once in a while that they find a nice one.
humm? i would love to go out with a nice guy... well anyway my current motto is do what you want. so if you want to try out being a bad boy or doing things you normally wouldn't go for it. i see no harm in changing just as long as your having fun and enjoying yourself. i used to be uncomfortably shy so i decided to change and i did and now i'm having more fun meeting new people going out more. changing opens your mind to see things in a different way. best of luck.. (don't worry about what people think of you, you are to LIVE and learn)
Cause it's alright being nice. We need more of these ppl in the world. Now I've never been in a relationship before, but when I tell my friends I've never been in a realtionship they say you will as oppose to what a loser, like my drunk monkey is telling me. So don't change unless that is not ur true self and u will find da girl. Also do more activities. When I'm here at home all I think about r girls. But now I'm gonna take go out on fridays and have the best time that I can!
when girls are through being treated like crap what they need a nice guy. if all nice guys changed to bad boys then there'd be no hope for hapiness in a relationship. however don't wait for a girl who's been ';used up'; by bad boys. some girls only like nice guys.
Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
A friend of mine that I really like was complaining about how she can't get a guy, and guys don't think she's pretty, or they just use her, etc. I told her I was there for her if she wanted a nice guy, but I know she doesn't like me and I acknowledged that nice guys typically aren't what girls are looking for. Later I asked her why that is and got the usual answers, they like the challenge, want to change them, etc. So I asked her if that meant that I should be like that and right away she says ';NOOOOO you're nice, don't change yourself.'; I don't get it though. Every girl that tells me I'm nice like it's a good thing would never date me, but then they tell me not to change. Why do they say that? Do they not want me to be happy or something? I'm not good enough for them the way I am, but they tell me not to change. Why?Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
You know what it is? Good boys are GREAT for friends because they look after you and they treat you nicely. Its more like a teenage thing though. Once you start getting older, you want them good boys. The good boys are the one who can make it in the world out there while the bad boys are usually the ones who are out of jobs.
If you're naturally a good guy, be who you are! Being someone else usually makes people awkward and it usually just becomes a huge mistake.
I think that you should find a girl who genuinely likes you for who you are because that is what you deserve. And no, your friends want you to be happy! They're not going to go like ';yeah, be a bad boy, screw yourself over with drugs, drop out of school, get expelled!';
You know what it is? Good boys are GREAT for friends because they look after you and they treat you nicely. Its more like a teenage thing though. Once you start getting older, you want them good boys. The good boys are the one who can make it in the world out there while the bad boys are usually the ones who are out of jobs.
If you're naturally a good guy, be who you are! Being someone else usually makes people awkward and it usually just becomes a huge mistake.
I think that you should find a girl who genuinely likes you for who you are because that is what you deserve. And no, your friends want you to be happy! They're not going to go like ';yeah, be a bad boy, screw yourself over with drugs, drop out of school, get expelled!';
Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
A friend of mine that I really like was complaining about how she can't get a guy, and guys don't think she's pretty, or they just use her, etc. I told her I was there for her if she wanted a nice guy, but I know she doesn't like me and I acknowledged that nice guys typically aren't what girls are looking for. Later I asked her why that is and got the usual answers, they like the challenge, want to change them, etc. So I asked her if that meant that I should be like that and right away she says ';NOOOOO you're nice, don't change yourself.'; I don't get it though. Every girl that tells me I'm nice like it's a good thing would never date me, but then they tell me not to change. Why do they say that? Do they not want me to be happy or something? I'm not good enough for them the way I am, but they tell me not to change. Why? And not to be conceited, but I'm not ugly or anything if you thought that had something to do with it. I'm in college if that helpsWhy do girls tell nice guys not to change?
The answer is in your question. Girls. You're talking to Girls. You need to find a Woman. Besides, you're in college right now, you aren't going to find a Woman until you get done with college and find yourself on the road to success in whatever career you are looking to enter. Women don't go for boys, they go for men...That they don't need to fix.Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
To deceit them
I am sorry to say but most times when girls say that you should not change they are saying that they wouldn't want to be with you anyway.
But listen to me they are dumheads for liking those type of boys because they are the worst and not every girl likes them because I surely don't. I Like someone who is kind and honest, who likes metal, rock and alternative music, who likes going to car shows, someone who is not afraid of what anyone else thinks, someone who is funny and most of all someone who just BE THEIR SELVES!!
Don't ever let people get you down!!
The answer is in your question. Girls. You're talking to Girls. You need to find a Woman. Besides, you're in college right now, you aren't going to find a Woman until you get done with college and find yourself on the road to success in whatever career you are looking to enter. Women don't go for boys, they go for men...That they don't need to fix.Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
To deceit them
I am sorry to say but most times when girls say that you should not change they are saying that they wouldn't want to be with you anyway.
But listen to me they are dumheads for liking those type of boys because they are the worst and not every girl likes them because I surely don't. I Like someone who is kind and honest, who likes metal, rock and alternative music, who likes going to car shows, someone who is not afraid of what anyone else thinks, someone who is funny and most of all someone who just BE THEIR SELVES!!
Don't ever let people get you down!!
I am a douchebag...can i change?
someone said to me in an answer to a guestion that smoking weed basically lets me reveal my true self because when im sober my ego supresses it. I am total douchebag but i dont know why and i dont know when i am being an ***. Am i like that forever nd will never have friends or can i change by doing what this guy said? ';You can still smoke, afterall it can be fun. But if you want to change yourself more drugs will do that, but into something far worse and then you'll be in even worse shape than before. Start becoming a better you. Look at youself from somebody elses perspective and think how you they feel from their interactions with you. Then you can see if you feel there is something about you that if you changed would make you a better person for youself and others.'; and i dont know when im being a douchebag...i hate pleaseI am a douchebag...can i change?
stop asking random people on the Internet for help and get some actual counseling. And all smoking weed does is kill your lungs.I am a douchebag...can i change?
stop smoking and whatever other bad habits you have. you CAN change. you just have to be willing to do whatever it takes. i wish you the best of luck. you can do it!
That wud depend how much of a douchebag u r if u should change or not.People may not like rude or minipulative people or deceptionist but if u notice those are the people that attain the most power in the world.I wudnt go as far as the drugs to change though.Make a change depending on if its going to be bette for u.Not because some 1 told u to.
For one doing illegal drugs, is always a problem. Plus weed and other drugs always bring out the bad in someone. People get more agressive and less supseptive to the outside world, they have trouble feeling pain, idenifitying others physical and emotional ques. Plain and simple drugs screw with your mind.
Douchebag... you are a straight up dumbass... -- get off the weed and whatever else you are own and grow What comes in a duvet set
stop asking random people on the Internet for help and get some actual counseling. And all smoking weed does is kill your lungs.I am a douchebag...can i change?
stop smoking and whatever other bad habits you have. you CAN change. you just have to be willing to do whatever it takes. i wish you the best of luck. you can do it!
That wud depend how much of a douchebag u r if u should change or not.People may not like rude or minipulative people or deceptionist but if u notice those are the people that attain the most power in the world.I wudnt go as far as the drugs to change though.Make a change depending on if its going to be bette for u.Not because some 1 told u to.
For one doing illegal drugs, is always a problem. Plus weed and other drugs always bring out the bad in someone. People get more agressive and less supseptive to the outside world, they have trouble feeling pain, idenifitying others physical and emotional ques. Plain and simple drugs screw with your mind.
Douchebag... you are a straight up dumbass... -- get off the weed and whatever else you are own and grow up...
Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
A friend of mine that I really like was complaining about how she can't get a guy, and guys don't think she's pretty, or they just use her, etc. I told her I was there for her if she wanted a nice guy, but I know she doesn't like me and I acknowledged that nice guys typically aren't what girls are looking for. Later I asked her why that is and got the usual answers, they like the challenge, want to change them, etc. So I asked her if that meant that I should be like that and right away she says ';NOOOOO you're nice, don't change yourself.'; I don't get it though. Every girl that tells me I'm nice like it's a good thing would never date me, but then they tell me not to change. Why do they say that? Do they not want me to be happy or something? I'm not good enough for them the way I am, but they tell me not to change. Why?Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
Because there are other characteristics about you that they do not like but they dont want to admit them. By telling you not to change they just are saying that so they dont hurt your feelings. Girls are very ******* complicated and hard to figure out so dont feel bad if **** is to complicated for you.Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
Just find a nice girl... nice guys (which i consider myself to be) can find girls too. Dating is rather complicated its just all based off compatibility. If your over the top nice just find a girl that would appreciate it.
Because there are other characteristics about you that they do not like but they dont want to admit them. By telling you not to change they just are saying that so they dont hurt your feelings. Girls are very ******* complicated and hard to figure out so dont feel bad if **** is to complicated for you.Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
Just find a nice girl... nice guys (which i consider myself to be) can find girls too. Dating is rather complicated its just all based off compatibility. If your over the top nice just find a girl that would appreciate it.
Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
A friend of mine that I really like was complaining about how she can't get a guy, and guys don't think she's pretty, or they just use her, etc. I told her I was there for her if she wanted a nice guy, but I know she doesn't like me and I acknowledged that nice guys typically aren't what girls are looking for. Later I asked her why that is and got the usual answers, they like the challenge, want to change them, etc. So I asked her if that meant that I should be like that and right away she says ';NOOOOO you're nice, don't change yourself.'; I don't get it though. Every girl that tells me I'm nice like it's a good thing would never date me, but then they tell me not to change. Why do they say that? Do they not want me to be happy or something? I'm not good enough for them the way I am, but they tell me not to change. Why?Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
Because they themselves aren't fully mature enough for a real relationship. They recognize all the personality traits that you have that would make an amazing boyfriend... but they're just not ready for that kind of guy. Also, some that are closer friends of yours have gotten so close to you that you have fallen into the 'big brother' effect. They trust you so much that they can't imagine dating you...its as if you're their brother. Yet, since they know you so well, they KNOW you're a good guy and will make some other girl; who does not see you as a brother, an AMAZING boyfriend. When you find a girl thats mature enough for you, you'll have the best chance of entering into a happy relationship.
I know this next part may sound cliche or crazy... but as soon as you truly stop looking for 'that girl', she'll show up. Just be who you are, continue being whoever it is that you're the happiest as, and enjoy life. The wait will be worth it when you find 'her'.
oh, and good luck!Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
i personally would much rather have a nice guy. but honestly it could be because your not very good looking.... sorry.
Because they are aware that they are making a big mistake liking guys who aren't nice, but can't help themselves, but they don't want this 'corruption' to spread to you.
You should in any case just be the person you are. Your time will come to attract the type of person who appreciates you. If girls want someone who isn't 'nice' then that person won't be 'nice' to them, and it will be a disaster. You however stay as you are, and have a lot of qualities to offer the right woman. This phase these girls are going through is a temporary one. When they calm down and the hormones settle down, they will realise that going for more 'dangerous' guys is a major mistake and your time will come!
thats because they look at u as a friend, someone nice they can trust or be comforted if things go wrong.
As a boy, I like for characteristics like this in a girl:
I don't get the whole ';change the bad boy'; crap. We have 4 (count em') 4 boys in our class besides me, and lots of the girls go for him. It's stupid.
Don't change, because a person that truly likes (or loves) you will like you the way you are.
they dont want you to change because there are hardly any nice guys if a girl is looking for a serious reletionship she would probablly go out with you so dont worry most girls like ';bad boys'; because they get in to trouble and want a challange to try and keep up with them :) some just prefer bad guys ;) i wouldnt change though ! XD
Girls are really complicated:)
I'm not really sure why lots of girls act like that! I try not to, but I have been there:) Don't worry though! We grow out of the ';bad boy'; phase. I have, as has every grown up girl I know! So DON'T CHANGE! One of these days, that Miss. Right will realize that you're right for her! It may take longer than you would like, and I'm sorry that us girls are so crazy!
ok, first off. if a girl is going for those dangerous guys, you dont want her anyway. find a girl thats not like that, ask her on a date. be the nice guy you are and have fun. she will either like you and stay with you OR she wont at first, she will date a few other guys and realize how much better you were. this works as long as your not ugly or asking a girl that is in a totally diffrent social class.
The reason girls tell nice guys to never change is because your the one for them to assist in hard times when no one is ther, your like their best friend man wise i guess, and if a girl dates a nice guys, and it doesnt go right they are afraid of you changing becuase of them and your ';nice'; goes downhill. They never want to let go of the ';nice'; character you have and they definitely dont want to lose it if something were to go wrong. take me for example, i dated a shitty guy before i met my boyfriend(ex-boyfriend currrently)was an amazingly nice guy, and when we broke up he started changing, not that he wasnt nice but you can tell he changed though. We mutually broke up so we still talk, but he got less nice. So as you might have heard';its not you its me'; we are afraid of nice-ness factor going away. Hope that helps.
Because they themselves aren't fully mature enough for a real relationship. They recognize all the personality traits that you have that would make an amazing boyfriend... but they're just not ready for that kind of guy. Also, some that are closer friends of yours have gotten so close to you that you have fallen into the 'big brother' effect. They trust you so much that they can't imagine dating you...its as if you're their brother. Yet, since they know you so well, they KNOW you're a good guy and will make some other girl; who does not see you as a brother, an AMAZING boyfriend. When you find a girl thats mature enough for you, you'll have the best chance of entering into a happy relationship.
I know this next part may sound cliche or crazy... but as soon as you truly stop looking for 'that girl', she'll show up. Just be who you are, continue being whoever it is that you're the happiest as, and enjoy life. The wait will be worth it when you find 'her'.
oh, and good luck!Why do girls tell nice guys not to change?
i personally would much rather have a nice guy. but honestly it could be because your not very good looking.... sorry.
Because they are aware that they are making a big mistake liking guys who aren't nice, but can't help themselves, but they don't want this 'corruption' to spread to you.
You should in any case just be the person you are. Your time will come to attract the type of person who appreciates you. If girls want someone who isn't 'nice' then that person won't be 'nice' to them, and it will be a disaster. You however stay as you are, and have a lot of qualities to offer the right woman. This phase these girls are going through is a temporary one. When they calm down and the hormones settle down, they will realise that going for more 'dangerous' guys is a major mistake and your time will come!
thats because they look at u as a friend, someone nice they can trust or be comforted if things go wrong.
As a boy, I like for characteristics like this in a girl:
I don't get the whole ';change the bad boy'; crap. We have 4 (count em') 4 boys in our class besides me, and lots of the girls go for him. It's stupid.
Don't change, because a person that truly likes (or loves) you will like you the way you are.
they dont want you to change because there are hardly any nice guys if a girl is looking for a serious reletionship she would probablly go out with you so dont worry most girls like ';bad boys'; because they get in to trouble and want a challange to try and keep up with them :) some just prefer bad guys ;) i wouldnt change though ! XD
Girls are really complicated:)
I'm not really sure why lots of girls act like that! I try not to, but I have been there:) Don't worry though! We grow out of the ';bad boy'; phase. I have, as has every grown up girl I know! So DON'T CHANGE! One of these days, that Miss. Right will realize that you're right for her! It may take longer than you would like, and I'm sorry that us girls are so crazy!
ok, first off. if a girl is going for those dangerous guys, you dont want her anyway. find a girl thats not like that, ask her on a date. be the nice guy you are and have fun. she will either like you and stay with you OR she wont at first, she will date a few other guys and realize how much better you were. this works as long as your not ugly or asking a girl that is in a totally diffrent social class.
The reason girls tell nice guys to never change is because your the one for them to assist in hard times when no one is ther, your like their best friend man wise i guess, and if a girl dates a nice guys, and it doesnt go right they are afraid of you changing becuase of them and your ';nice'; goes downhill. They never want to let go of the ';nice'; character you have and they definitely dont want to lose it if something were to go wrong. take me for example, i dated a shitty guy before i met my boyfriend(ex-boyfriend currrently)was an amazingly nice guy, and when we broke up he started changing, not that he wasnt nice but you can tell he changed though. We mutually broke up so we still talk, but he got less nice. So as you might have heard';its not you its me'; we are afraid of nice-ness factor going away. Hope that helps.
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