Monday, June 6, 2011

How to change your attitude in life ?

I can meditate and feel relaxed but how can i change my thinking pattern. Is there anyway to completely change yourself ?How to change your attitude in life ?
First, evaluate (or re-evaluate), make adjustments, and be conscious of your core values. Second, break old thinking patterns and establish new ones that best reflect your values. Third, your behavior should follow accordingly. You have to be active and proactive until they are natural. Sometimes it takes a lot of time and practice to break old habits, but it requires conscious intervention of old habits and exercising favorable new ones just like you would if you were trying to get physically fit. When you fall into your old thought process, coach yourself back to your conscious decision to express behaviors that are in line with the values you chose to be important to you.How to change your attitude in life ?
One thinks they are changing themselves but it is the events and different stages of life combined that are doing the changes.

You, can in certain circumstances completely change your appearance such as losing or gaining weight, changing your mode of dress, hair color but not your personality. You are what you are!
I am glad you are mediating. This shows that you are aware of the need to change and are receptive to changes. The process to make permanent positive changes take a great deal of discipline. You must determine what is in inside your self that does not belong there. You then must determine why it is there and why you have chosen to carry this with you. One by one day by day you should ponder one of these things and then at the end of the day let it go out of you. You are now free of this forever. This process took seven years for me. But each day you will become happier. I almost hesitate to tell you this but you will in time uncover a difficult core of aspects that do not belong which are so central to the formation of yourself that you will have difficulty freeing your self from these things. I stormed that castle wall for almost three years day and night until I succeeded. But the release is better than sex and you will feel joyful and lighter. Good Luck
Continue to daily practice The Mindfulness of Breathing, and Loving-kindness Meditation. Be Patient with Yourself, it really helps. ';Also what really helped me a lot, was learning how to love people unconditionally. Please Patiently read about this.'; What in the world is the difference between loving a person, and being attached to them? Love is the sincere wish, for others to be happy for others and free from suffering. Having realistically realized other’s kindness, as well as their faults, Love is Always focused on the other person’s welfare. We have no ulterior intensions or motives to fulfill our own self-interests; or to fulfill our own desires, we love others, all people, simply because they exist. Attachment, on the other hand, exaggerates others’ good qualities, and makes us crave to be with them. When we’re with them, we are happy, but when we’re separated from them, we’re miserable. Attachments are always linked with expectations of what others should be, or what they should do for us. Is love, as it is understood in most societies, really love OR attachment ? Let us examine this a little more. Generally speaking, we are attracted {drawn to) people because they have qualities we value, or because they help us in some way. If we carefully observe, through introspection, our own thought processes we’ll notice that we very often look for specific qualities in others. Some of these qualities we are drawn to, finding them attractive, others are qualities within our parents, or qualities which society values.

We examine someone’s looks, education, social status, financial status, and so forth. This is how Most of us decide on whether or not the person holds any true value, or not. In addition, we judge people as worthwhile according to how they relate to us. If they praise us, encourage us, help us, if they listen to what we have to say, if they make us feel secure, if they take care of us when were sick, unhappy or depressed, we consider them good, or sometimes righteous people, and these are the people we more drawn to, whom we are most likely attracted to, and the people we choose to be around with.

In all honesty, this is very biased, for we are judging them, only in terms of how they relate to us, as if we are the most important person in the world %26amp; thinking the world revolves around us! After we’ve judged certain people to be good for us, whenever we see them, it appears to us as if goodness is radiating out from within them, but as we are more mindfully aware, we realize that we have projected this goodness on to them.

Desiring to be the people who make us feel good, we become emotional yo-yo’s, when we’re with these people, we’re up, but when we’re not with them, we’re down. Furthermore, we form fixed concepts of what our relationships with these people will be, and thus have expectations of them. When they do not live up to our expectations of them, we’re unhappy, disappointed or may even become angry. We want them to change so that they will match what we think they are. But our projections and expectations come from our own minds, not from other people. Our problems arise not because others aren’t who we thought they were, but because we mistakenly thought they were something they were not. We often use a type of Checklist also. Checklist: “I Love You IF ___________ !” This Love is Conditional and what we call love, is most often attachment. It is actually an attitude which overestimates the qualities of another person.

Then we cling tightly to that person, thinking our peace and happiness depends on that person. We even often blame that person for our unhappiness. Love, on the other hand, is a very patient, calm, optimistic and relaxed attitude. We want others to be free from suffering and to be happy simply because they exist. While attachments are uncontrolled, and too emotionally sentimental, Love is Patient, powerful, and controlled(disciplined). Attachment obscures our judgment {our ability to make sound, wise decisions), and we become impatient, angry, and impartial – helping our dear ones, and those who do us no harm. Love clarifies our mind, %26amp; we access a situation by thinking of the greatest good for everyone. Attachment is based on selfishness, while love is founded on valuing, %26amp; cherishing others, even those who do not look very appealing to us. Love always looks beyond all the superficial appearances and dwells on the fact that they are just like us: they want peace of mind, happiness, and wish to avoid suffering. If we see unattractive, or unintelligent people we most often feel repulsed, because our selfish minds want to find attractive, intelligent, and talented people. On the other hand, Love never evaluates others by theses superficial standards and looks much deeper into the person. Love recognizes that regardless of the others appearances, they’re experiences are they same as ours: they want inner mental peace, happiness, and wish to be from suffering. When we’re attached, we’re not mentally, emotionally, %26amp; spiritually free. For we overly depend on, and cling to another person, to fulfill our emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. We fear losing the person, fearing that we’d be incomplete without them. This does Not mean that we should suppress all our emotional needs, or become aloof, and totally independent, for that too would not solve the problem. We must simply realize our unrealistic needs and slowly, gently and patiently – seek to eliminate them. If we try to suppress them, pretending they do not exist, we become insecure, anxious, or possibly depressed. In this case, we do our best to fulfill our needs, while simultaneously working gradually to subdue them. The core problem is that most of us seek to be loved, rather than to love. We yearn to be understood by others, rather than to understand them. Our sense of emotional insecurities comes from the selfish obscuring of our own minds. We develop confidence by recognizing our inner potential to become a Selfless human being, having many magnificent qualities, then we’ll develop and have an accurate perception of ourselves, gaining self-confidence. We’ll seek to increase true unconditional love, to increase compassion, to cultivate patience, as well as generosity, right concentration and wisdom. Under the influence of attachment, we’re bound by our unstable emotional reactions to others. When they’re nice to us, we’re happy, but when they ignore us or speak sharply to us, we take it personally, and are unhappy. But pacifying attachment doesn’t mean we become hard-hearted, rather without attachments, there will be space in our hearts and minds for genuine affection and impartial love for them. And as a result, we’ll be more actively involved with them. As we learn to transform our minds %26amp; lives, through subduing our attachments, we can definitely have successful friendships, and personal relationships with others. These relationships will be richer, more meaningful because of the freedom and respect the relationships are based on. We’ll really care about the happiness and misery of all human beings equally, simply because everyone is the same inside: we all want inner peace of mind, Happiness, and to be from suffering.

However, of course, our lifestyles and interests may be a bit more compatible with some people. Our friendships and our personal relationships will be based on mutual interests, and to help other people. Having such an attitude, we’ll be much More Patient, %26amp; tolerant toward others; will remain mentally calm, having Peace of Mind AND Happiness, and Will communicate successfully with others in life.
read a book called

the greatest salesman in the world by og mandino

i don't think you'll be disappointed
Read books.
do you think yahoo answers can give you that?
Yes, there are lots of ways to change the thinking pattern....

These ways are techniques, perfected over years.

There is a connection between body and mind.

Note that our body behaves according to mind.

Even with good food before us, and immense hunger we cannot eat when a very bad news is just given...

So we can REVERSE the process, by adopting a body pattern and then induce the change in thought pattern !

That is where the etiquette, mannerisms, gestures, and even Yoga practices, like Aasanaas, meditation etc play a significant role.

The breathing pattern has the greatest impact in the attempt to change the thought pattern.

Best wishes.
1. You cannot remove a thought pattern - you can only replace it. So changing is replacing it.

2. First have a focus, a goal, a vision.

3. This has to be something that you really want %26amp; not just a wish.

4. Allign all your thoughts on this focus.

Now the process -

Sow a thought %26amp; reap an action

Sow an action %26amp; reap a habbit

Sow a habbit %26amp; reap a character

Sow a character %26amp; reap a personality
Mahatma gandhi has said , what you think that you become';

so think good, if you want to be good, do good if you want to receive good
yes if u think at diff way ur attitude at some time is change but it can take time
u can completely change ur thinking is possible...but it takes time and continuous efforts.....

first u shud be clear abt the thinking pattern u want to enforce widin urself

u shud try to identify ur bad thinking habits and replace them by good thinking habits...but b4 doing this u shud know wat is bad and wat id good thinking habit(pattern).....

good thinking or bad thinking r relative terms and depends on wat u want to ultimately achieve in life.....

u ve to keep urself under observation continuously and and think a lot abt urself....u shud write down all the things going on in ur mind and pin-point those things that disturb ur mind peace and then replace them by those things which may help u in achieving wat u want....
if you seriously think that changing attitude is necessary, u r already changing !

Attitudes and behaviours are like goods in a free market economy, where competition check the quality and price. If your attitude or behaviour is deplorable, you wll get a similar reaction from the Society, force u to check yourself.

It depends on what u want to achieve by changing attitude? In a lot of instances, changing approach and outlook to an issue gives desired results if the normal approach fails.

It is like having a full wardrobe . We chose as per occassions and mood. Likewise, we have all the right/wrong attitudes in all of us. Just that we conveniently select the type depends on whom or on what we are attending.

just an opinion. you can continue to meditate to change the attitude.

God! r u so tired of urself ? U must be having some good qualities. Just keep working on them. You'll fail sometimes, u'll rebel sometimes but dont lose heart. Just keep hanging in there.

Work on your strengths %26amp; ur weakness will fade away.....slowly but eventually they will.

Work on expanding your thought process rather than completely changing it. Read a lot. New things abt stuff u already know or try altogether new knowledge domains. Share ur views with others........y answers etc %26amp; keep picking up new %26amp; different view points. Explore , explore %26amp; learn.
We can change our attitude but can not change yourself as birth nature cannot be altered.

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