Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Behavior that you would like to modify or change?

What behavior would you like to modify or change about yourself?

List the top three reasons for wanting to make the change identified above.

Identify the specific steps that would help you accomplish the change you would like to make.

Identify four to five barriers that may get in your way with your ability to accomplish the desired change.

List the supportive people in your life who can assist in your desired change including how they can be helpful.

By making the desired change, what are you hoping will have the following effects?

Which would let you know that your plan for change is working?Behavior that you would like to modify or change?
I would like to become better speaker

so people can haer me clearly

so people can trust what I am saying

So that I can feel good about improving my speech

Join a book club to have a reason to talk about something that interests me

Volunteer to help people

Tutor someone

Participate in drama

record my voice to practice pitch and delivery

criticism by people who think it should be easy

slow progress

Unsupportive people

feeling stupid

My family can support me

Become a more confident person

Make friends

Accomplish great things.

If I people don't ask me to repeat myself or look confused when I speak

People stop leaning in close to hear me

Start making friends

Someone tells me to be quiet or that I talk too much.Behavior that you would like to modify or change?
Too many questions in one post. This is more likely a survey than question. I keep it draft of a possible scenario:

1a. Improvement to impress others.

1b. Improvement to enhance quality of life.

1c. improvement to avoid complication.

2a. Observe people to people relationship.

2b. Pick up books and go online for research.

3a. Inability to understand the inter-relationship of human.

3b. To overcome self-ego

3c. To overcome self low-esteem.

4. Achieve point 1a to 1c.

5. When either point 1a to 1c achieve.
many reasons

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