Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How can you make a big change in yourself?

im adrianne im a sophomore student and i have problems in how to change my goodie-goodie childish defenseless me to something opposite to that (not completely), i want to learn how to defend or fight for myself, but i still want to be nice,i just want to belong with the others.

ill do everything as long as it helps me to changeHow can you make a big change in yourself?
Obviously I don檛 know you, and would need to know more about you to know exactly where you are coming from with this question!!

But Adrianne, just be yourself ?you can檛 be anything more: and if people cannot accept and love you for who, and what you are?then they are not worth worrying about!!

There is nothing wrong with being a Goodie-Goodie, just so long as you know how to let your hair down once in a while, without going off the rails (I檓 a Father, not a sophomore, lol)?you don檛 have to flow with the stream to be able to fit in?being different ?out of the norm, can also be a turn on!!

To make a change in ones self, one has to want to change, and know what one wants to change, and more importantly 榃HY?

If you want to learn to defend yourself 楶hysically?take up Karate, Judo, Kickboxing etc?this will teach you to defend yourself, but will also give self confidence, and teach you respect for self and others, and discipline?if you want to defend yourself verbally take a 楽elf Assertive?class, or just find the Balls to speak out!!

All change starts with the mind, and then the heart!! But ask yourself?do I really need to change!!

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: courage to change the things I can: and the wisdom to know the difference!!

God bless you!!How can you make a big change in yourself?
Try counceling.
Similar position to me. I'm hopefully going to college soon. One thing I'm going to do is get into a regular sport to develop my confidence and find other hobbies. Fill up your free time with social activities and you will change yourself for the better.
lose somthing important to you in life, it really makes you think and re-evaulate everything
aaaaaah confidence.

get to some tae kwon do classes, get a trendy friend or a personal shopper to get you the ultimate feel good outfit, start looking at yourself and thinking damn im hot!!
Hmmm... To change youselve, you must first understand what you really feel about yourself. When you find out everything you want to get rid o0f from you, try to think of the oposite of those traits. When you do, find a thing or person that will really motivate and want to change you like your love or someone dear to you that wants you to change.
You should start by doing something that will boost your confidence. No confidence makes it easy for someone to walk all over you. Try taking up an activity. I suggest a self-defense class (karate, kung-fu, etc.) which promotes confidence and self-defense but not violence (kind of want to avoid that).

Also eat healthy and what ever activity you choose, exercise. Being healthy and well exercised ( a lot of guys like to lift weights, it helps) will boost confidence also. It can really make a difference.

Finally, there is nothing wrong with being a nice guy. Obviously you don't want to be a push over, you should voice your own opinion and stand your ground, but as nearly everyone says, be true to yourself.
Just read some self help books before going for therapy.
forget about comparing yourself with others, you should figure out what you want in life and go after it, not worrying about fighting or being nice, you cant be both..if you want a change in your life, then maybe the best thing is to ..and take it seriously what I say...start with thinking of who and what you are before God..seek him out ...yes , maybe go to a baptist church and find out that the best place is among people who can help you not only meet the right people to associate with but learn about the God you should know.

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