Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How long do you need to let your labret heal b4 you can change it? and can you change it yourself the 1st time

After the swelling goes down, for me it was a couple of weeks. Then you can change it. Wash the jewelry well, with anti-bacterial soap. Things get kind of slippery with mouth piercings, so watch out. Your piercing will not close in a matter of minutes(don't listen to second person it doesnt have to be SO rushed), so relax and take your time, so you don't hurt yourself. The more its healed, the easier it will be to slide jewelry in and out.

If you have never changed jewelry before, the place you got it pierced will more than likely help you put it in and show you some really good tips.How long do you need to let your labret heal b4 you can change it? and can you change it yourself the 1st time
?How long do you need to let your labret heal b4 you can change it? and can you change it yourself the 1st time
Let it be completely healed before you try to put in new jewelry (6 weeks at least). You can change it yourself, just make sure you have the new jewelry right there as it will close quickly!
i had mine changed after the first week. i would suggest having help the first time though
Make sure the labret was maintained and cleaned properly during the inital healing process of 6 to 8 weeks. A common misconception is that if it looks healed it is healed. I beg to differ. Wait it out and take care of it accordingly (its worth it!!)

a tip is use rubber gloves when you decide to change the jewelry ,it helps keep a better grip on the lip area and jewelry. also like someone else mentioned have your jewlery cleaned and ready for insertion once the old jewelry is removed. all oral piercings can begin to close up VERY quickly. for any other ques about labret piercings see www.safepiercing.org
good 9 months

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