Just wondering what people think of makeover formats such as; 10 Years Younger, Extreme Makeover and the new Trinny and Susannah Undress. What are these programmes doing and is it harmful to an audience? The first two are about how surgery can transform one's life, but they hasten to add that surgery can actually be life threatening. People that go on these shows have real problems and experts believe that these will all disapear with a few surgical changes. What do people think? Are these good formats or harmful and intrusive? What kind of message do they give to children and the general public about simply changing yourself with evasive procedures?Body makeover programmes, good or bad?
i think good as long as you dont go too far.
if you can why not .
good luck to emBody makeover programmes, good or bad?
I kinda like them, because of the odd tips they give off here and there, I think they are kinda inspiring, I think most kids who watch it just like the fairytale ending most of them have
It's basically the perfect release for a whole generation of insecure women, who are totally confused after one minute being told by the media that if they aren't fit and toned they are worthless, and then the next, its ok to be the size you are.
You can thank those very programmes, not to mention thos ***** manuals like Cosmo and Glamour for doing that..
Basically, you need to ask yourself why there has never been a programme which has shown this painfully insecure generation of women that to get the figure you want, you need a combination of healthy eating, regular vigorous exercise, not to smoke and to only drink alcohol occasionally.
Its just a shame that the REAL solution to all of these insecure women's problems is dull - it's why it never gets any airtime or page space... I feel sorry for people's lack of inquisitive thought and real research into the subject. But then, that's the media dumbing down again.
Plus, for these very blind idiots who buy into these shows, the ';quick'; fix is always the ';right'; fix. People need to realise that every negative action (like eating junk food) does not have an easy way out. The ';quick'; fix to say something as important as a womans figure, that is in getting it more beautiful, is non existent. It's just that it's exciting and blinds their insecurities even further: ';Oh, i can eat this KFC family bucket, and if i get fat i can take a pill and make it all better again';. Sure you can. Sure.
BAD especially with surgery in it.
I think it just furthers on focus on the wrong thing.
I think they promote a sense of ';it'l be done so quickly'; in a half hour show, they don't show the pain and suffering from the surgery and this gives certain people false hope that it's painless and no risk of it going t i t s up ! (so to speak)
i think that just making over peoples clothes is harmless but to actually start to change people by surgery is just to far in the name of entertainment!! surely there is reasons for their problems which will not be solved by a quick fix of surgery. Do these people actually get any aftercare or even counselling before they begin these horrible life risking procedures.
I think that they are terrible. They seem to put so much emphasis on making people more acceptable to society when in reality society is rich and varied.
There is no need to go under the knife to fit in and wear this years clothes to be accepted. As long as a person is happy and comfortable with themselves that is all that is important.
These programmes give vulnerable people the impression that unless they conform to societies predetermined image of what a person should look like then they will not fit in and be accepted, which is complete rubbish.
I do however feel that when they (on rare occasions) touch on health issues then they are doing a great job. I know that on 10 years younger they have the dentist guy who fixes peoples rotten and diseased teeth, usually caused by smoking and that message is loud and clear....don't smoke.
I think the health side of all of it is what the programmes should be about........make it a lifestyle makeover. Healthy eating and exercise, lowering alcohol intake and not smoking to improve the participants way of life and improve self esteem that way. Not expensive and unnecessary surgery.
I think they send out/enforce messages that in order for someone to feel good about themselves they need to be beautiful. Although there are some people who benefit tremendously from changing/altering something about their appearance that they do not like, we have to remember that the vast majority of people who do watch these types of programmes are perfectly normal people who do not need to alter their appearance/weight! And therefore I think these such programmes serve only to implicitely encourage people to become dissatisfied with their looks/weight when there is nothing wrong them!!
not good when yur eating your tea, breast implants puts you off your boiled eggs
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