I've heard of mantras, visualisation and positive thought, but how do you really make fundemental changes to yourself?How can you make fundemental changes to yourself?
The changes that are fundamental are those that better coordinate the phenomenon of existence and the need to determin your own clarity and understanding of those phenomenon. If you need to deliver products to a client that would mean the changes must be coordinated to satisfy that aspect. If you want to be better at yoga you must practice the excersises related and if you want to be better at self realization you must replace detrimental habits with those that enhance that aspect. By replacing the habitual detrimental behaviors with other behaviors not so detrimental you must have patience and understand that in this what you sew you shall reap eventually. Don麓t give up.How can you make fundemental changes to yourself?
if you find something that works let me know!
learn how to spell
GET Agood hair cut or colour try this to start off. Then start to dress more mod.
you have to see the benefits of doing something different. basic example, if you see the results of smoking, a blackened lung and an early grave, you'll be more motivated to stop.
so to change, you have to foresee the BENEFITS of changing, then you'll WANT to make the changes, which will be a lot easier than trying to make changes that are hard work and you don't see the point of making..
A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Just make very gradual changes that you can easily cope with. In a year you will be amazed by how much you have progessed. It only takes 20 minutes practice every day to improve at something %26amp; it only takes 21 days to break a habit. I was taught these things by a very wise %26amp; successful woman.
by visualizing yourself attaining that goal in your life armed with positive thinking and hope for a better tomorrow.
Trauma...its harsh but true, the Jews and African tribes used to use circumcision to initiate a boy into manhood, symbolically abandoning old ways and taking on new ones, the native Americans practiced the sun dance and the vision quest...
The programming you receive as an infant and small child is usually the same programming you have as an adult (with subroutines on top of subroutines ad-infinitum,) because the mind is so impressionable then, beliefs and habits established early will often override/reject ones that you try to apply later using your conscious mind. The problem is that as your mind gets older, it takes more to make a significant change to the established patterns.
Meditation is a passive trauma, the senses abhor deprivation and the mind perceives it as a threat to survival, thus the mantra forces the mind into ';order.';
The best way to make serious changes is to seriously change your life, try doing precisely what you fear the most, force yourself to adapt or suffer, remember, you are up against your animal/subconscious brain, a selfish, infantile creature that fears change and knows all your thoughts and weaknesses. You can show it that you are in charge, but its not going to go quietly...
when you want something bad enough something upstairs clikcks and you do it. If your hearts not in it you just wont change
Fundamental changes happen when I am open to listening to another way of solving emotional problems especially when someone else's approach consistantly yields better results than my own.
The other way fundamental changes happen is to to wait until I am beaten up by failures of my existing methods. Constant failure can be a great motivator to do something radically different. Misery can be a great inducer to seek a better way.
The greatest barrier to fundamental changes is the understanding that emotional well being has very little to do with intelligence. Because you are successful in sports, your job, as a craftsman, or solving technical problems does not extrapolate to wise emotional thinking. Most of us repeat what we are familiar with rather than what is fundamentally healthy beneficial choices. Many times this is done because we fear repetition of bad events as little people. Erase the fears by facing them head-on and any fundamental change for the improvement of emotional well-being is possible.
No. You can't.
You can change your attitudes, but only a bit.
These guys are just interested in selling something, even if it's only thier egoism.
Self evaluation, look at your strengths and weaknesses. Keep a daily journal to track your mood, behaviours, good things that you did that day/bad things etc then you can look at what you want to change, you may also see patterns too. x
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