Monday, November 22, 2010

Change Everything About Yourself, Could you do it?

If you were able to change everything about yourself, do you think you could do it? Throw genetics out the door and just simply look in the mirror and change anything or everything about how you look, talk, your personality,how your hair looks, how tall, how skinny, eye color...ANYTHING! Could you really do it? We all have these pictures in our head about how we should look, but when we get asked this question, for some it's not so easy. Tell me what you would change about yourself.Change Everything About Yourself, Could you do it?
No, You wouldn't be yourself. It is like an act against nature.Change Everything About Yourself, Could you do it?
I did that. You could say that by doing that im not myself anymore, but in fact, I wasn't myself before. I was DUMB, i remember the state of mind when you just don't understand anything. I had no friends and no life... until i started understanding something. I changed my habit, appearance and even personality. The only thing that's still there is the way im really careless. Now i've found myself and im very well aware of everything around me. I have many friends and a life. :)

A big key to everything of this was a haircut :P I never had a picture of my head who i should be and how i am supposed to look. I used all the good qualities within myself. I'm short, and i live with it. even though sometimes i wish my chest wasn't this flat and iwas a bit taller, im happy to be me :)
if we did, i wouldnt change everything, because its what makes me who i am, but i would probably change little things like tanned skin, and as for personality, you can change things you dont like about your personality if you put your mind to it, and if you really want to become a better person.

-as a huge doctor who fan i cant help but think *REGENERATE!*


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