Monday, November 22, 2010

How do you change yourself?

If you're not the person that you want to be, how do you figure out the necessary changes to be made and then make them?How do you change yourself?
Keep a daily diary. Include in it the events of the day, how you reacted to them and how your feelings and emotions were effected. This will give you the ability to see what changes you would like to make, as well as a record of your progress.How do you change yourself?
wow u shouldnt want to change yourself. be happy with who you are. you dont need to be anyone else
Small steps. I had a horrible temper. I started with just not acting on it, but letting myself be angry. Then I started looking at why I was angry and started chipping on that, until I didnt' get angry so much. It is just like losing weight.. can't do it overnight, you chip away at the stuff you don't like and replace it with the stuff you do. You stumble along the way and you have to start again. Multiple studies show it takes 30 or 40 days for a human to change a habit.
We all change throughout our lives. I am not the same person I was when I was in my 20's or 30's. (41 now). I think if you want to make improvements, you need to write down what those improvements would be....such as being more at ease around others or feeling more comfortable in your own skin. There's nothing wrong about thriving to do better or be's healthy....and normal to evolve. It's also healthy to realize what you already have going for you so make a list of things that you like about yourself too if need be. :-)
Plastic Surgery.
Start on your anger, non forgiveness, and looking back on the past so much. You can make slow changes. Make an effort every day to see what you can do to help someone else. Love and kindness go a long way. You can make your self happy or not. Life is not perfect, but find what makes you happy!
Anna if you are not the person you want to be find people who are what you want to become, for they have the answers you so desperately seek. I was always told that if you want to be successful then you need to surround yourself with those who are a success. You can not hang with people who are the very thing you want to get away from and expect to find a way out.
Taking honest assessments are a necessary part of personal growth, I use the Bible as my standard to tell me what needs to be changed. I pray to God to ask him to help me change and trust his direction for this to happen. I can not change myself without his help.

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