I keep having these weird feelings about seeing people when I go anywhere. I moved away once and wondered what I was doing. like am I serious. I went to church and thought everyone was absolutely bazaar. same thing at a bible stuies I went to. I look at people my age and wonder how they do it and why I can't. I'd like to get rid of these thoughts but can't shake them. I can be social but have to work on it. like thinking positive.Have you ever gone to a hypnotist to change yourself? Like be more studious stop feeling weird be social.?
dude i know what your talking about, you just got to stay in public, prey, and dont be ashamed of who you are. do you feel really nervise also, it use to happen to me all the time you get over it sooner or later, you can im me or mail me if you need to talk about it.Have you ever gone to a hypnotist to change yourself? Like be more studious stop feeling weird be social.?
I was being treated for depression, was taking pills had schock treatment , i was switched to a doctor that used hypnosis in a few weeks threw away the pills, He taught me self hypnosis That was 35 years ago still use it.. A book that is a big part in my life is The Power Of Positive Thinking. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. It helps..
As a Neuro-Linguistic Practioner I am trained hypnotism. It is useful for some types of problem. However, if you came to me I would not do it. Your issues would not be corrected this way and it could make you worse. You seem to be quite intelligent and in your case, I would recmmend cognitive therapy. This is a psychological technique that will allow you to understand yourself better and make it easier for you to relate to people. Please ask your doctor, mental health clinic, school nurse, or whoever is available to help you find someone skilled in this area. You are not crazy, but what you describe shoud be handled by a professional therapis, not a hypnotist.
I had a friend in high school that said he could hypnotize people so I let him try with me. After 10 minutes there was no change so I pretended to be hypnotized. It was hilarious listening to some of the stupidest questions he would ask. It didn't take long for me to bust out laughing. He got mad at me and wouldn't talk to me for a while, but we patched things up before to long.
I have never been to a hypnotist but I doubt it would do me any good. I can't open my mind enough or relax enough to allow someone that much control over me. I doubt anyone could hypnotize me. Would you really allow it yourself? And if you did, how can you be sure he/she would be helping or hurting your problems. Everyone has neurosis about one thing or another and we all have those little demons to face. Being more studious can be as simple as being in a quiet room with some white noise to keep you calm and focused. Maybe some easy listening music. Feeling weird is common as well. I feel weird quite often but only in certain situations. For example, I am an agnostic so I don't attend church. I have attended in the past and the whole experience takes me out of my comfort zone. I was actually a christian at one time but I felt like I was denying who I truly was. I feel uncomfortable there as well as other places like a funeral home, Christmas dinner with my wife's family, at a doctor's office or a dentist's office. Any place where there is a certain properness that's required. Take me out of my element and I feel weird. As well as on a golf course, at my mom's house, at work, etc. We all have these places where we feel comfortable and we all have places where we feel weird. Put me in the middle of a popular bar and I would get cold sweats.
Ever heard the term ''wall flower''? That's me. Being social with strangers in a crowded place like the mall or church or school or anywhere there's a large crowd and I will exibit anti-social behaviour. When there's not many people aroud I can relax and even talk to strangers as if they were old friends.
Being more studious, having weird feelings, being anti-social, all these are normal to a certain extent. We all have those feelings. The only difference is we all feel them to different degrees. I would suggest you work on just one of these three until you feel comfortable with it. The first one I would work on if I were you is being more studious. No crowds or unknown people around when your alone studying. Then go to the next one which I would suggest as being the one where you feel weird. Go to a place where you know you'll feel weird but only to a small degree. Let yourself go and remember, all you can be is yourself. People will accept you as you are or they will not. It is those people who accept you that have the most to gain because they will be your new friends. The others will have missed the boat. Then work on your social skills. Take some one with you that you are friends with and allow them to be the one who talks to people. You just stand by them and offer whatever you can to the conversation whenever you feel comfortable doing so. Eventually you will have mastered the skills needed to do this alone.
Lastly, and most importantly, you are experiencing something that is quite normal. The only difference between you and others is the degree of these symptoms. Be yourself and take things one step at a time. Be positive, believe you can achieve in all things. And don't let these things control your life. Take charge. You can do it. A little self confidence will go a long way.
Good luck my friend.
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