Saturday, November 20, 2010

Have you evenr wanted to change yourself in some way, but did not know how to change what you wanted to change

If so, what was it? Did you learn to change it, or is it still something that perplexes you?Have you evenr wanted to change yourself in some way, but did not know how to change what you wanted to change
Paul talked about this struggle in Romans 7. But then he goes on to say that Jesus helps us change things when we believe AND follow AND trust in Him.

I used to have a difficult time trying to not say curse words, I had a gambling addiction and I was a very rude person. By studying the Bible and trying to apply the standards it gives to my life, I have put down all of those things.

Some things are harder than others to give up. But you have to keep praying and trying through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Start by giving your life to Christ and then go from there.Have you evenr wanted to change yourself in some way, but did not know how to change what you wanted to change
No, I haven't. It's easy to change. The hard thing is to stay changed.
That's a lot of change going on

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