Saturday, November 20, 2010

How would you like to change yourself and the world?

I would begin by electing Noam Chomsky as president of the universe.

From there, I would take power from corporation, and put it back into the hands of government and the people.

I would legalize pot, shrooms, ibogaine, MDMA, and maybe heroin (because now the ibogaine to treat these people is no longer illegal). The privilege of doing drugs would only be awarded on the condition that the user apply for a license, and has undergone mandatory education on the drug. This education would cover everything from dosage, to nomenclature, to the neuroscience behind the drug's effect.

Sovereignty would be abolished along with nationalism, and the entire world would exist under a single currency until a point at which we reach a level of sustainability no longer requiring a monetary econonmy.

Religion would be entirely torn from state. The mere mention or allusion to a unity between a state and any arbitrary religion would be cause for discipline and/or expulsion from government. With that said, every citizen of the world would be treated equally, as though religion were some kind of unimportant add-on for a person's character. In truth, this is what I find to be right. No religion in government, and no religion appealing to government, just people. All the same. Equal.

Ideally, I'd mail everyone a copy of linux.

I would attempt to begin a movement of freedom not only in justice, but in power and potential. Professors would teach 12 year olds calculus, paid in return with the sheer joy of knowing that they have shaped the future, that the future is good, and that there is no war, suffering, or greed to deal with.

And personally? I would like to become more considerate, and more attuned with electronic music. I have a horrible work ethic, and never get anything done... at least not things people care about.How would you like to change yourself and the world?
........I'd like a chance to do it all over again but only if I could know everthing I know now.

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