Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How can you use your mind to change yourself?

I've been hearing a lot lately, that you can use your mind to change how you look, and so on. How is this possible? Are there any secret ways to do this?How can you use your mind to change yourself?
it's about visually it and achieve the goal.

is it intectually or physically?

if it's physically, i suggest you don't want to look like someone else but yourself.How can you use your mind to change yourself?
Something as ';simple'; as a shave and a shower CHANGES (improves) how you look.

Dressing better . . . . shining your shoes . . . .

When you take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY . . . you start doing what is in YOUR best interest because YOU are your solution . . .

Instead, people sit, TV remote in hand . . .watching Oprah . . . waiting for the ';government'; to help them.

They will sit there till hell freezes over . . . and their lives WON'T change.

Dan in Miami
You have control over your thoughts and actions and what you think, you become. There isn't a secret to that. You just have to set goals and work toward them.

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