Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How do you personally change yourself without loosing yourself?

I myself am very shy. And I want to beable to break out of that shell. I just don't know how and if I am able to, what would people think of me? The thing is, sometimes I think that if I become more outgoing, I will loose the elements that make me, me.How do you personally change yourself without loosing yourself?
Well being shy is not bad but not good either. To beat shyness just learn to have courage. If you think you can't then you really can't. Its all about having the courage to step up. Beating shyness isn't that changing you just might find a few more friends along the wayHow do you personally change yourself without loosing yourself?
you don't have to be completely outgoing.

i'm shy and you just have to have the confidence to talk a bit more and to people you don't usually
You must be true to yourself in order to really know yourself. As long as you are you when you are alone and around 5 million people then nobody will judge you because you are being you. Stop worrying about what people think that's why people have mouths.
Check in the mirror . You're really here and this is you. Okay. What do you feel comfortable with? What are you comfortable with? You don't have to explain yourself to anyone. Yesterday was yesterday and today is today. You can decide what you do without having to explain to anyone. If they ask for an explanation say that was then. As for losing yourself, it sounds like it would be just the opposite, a voyage of discovering yourself. Be a friend to yourself . Find your group.
To break out of your shyness you have to practice talking to strangers just like you practice roller skating. In church try saying hello to someone you do not know. You can try this anywhere really, but it is safest to do it among friends. That way you can later ask someone who were you talking to and if they speak favorably of the person you can always go back and try conversing with them again. Be prepared for rejection though. If they don't seem to want to talk to you just walk away. don't break down and cry in front of them. Good luck
No you wont. No matter how you act or what you do you will never lose your core. Who you are is who you are. I used to be shy too and now I'm not at all and I don't really feel like a different person.. Actually I feel like a better person. But the bottom line is.. your going to have to leave your comfort zone and do things that scare you a little, its the only way.. no pain no gain.
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